Interesting thread ,I enjoyed the videos and the drama ,,,,I thought I was watching boyd .Now there is a loser.What everyone forgets its faster and more productive to buy and bolt on for these guys,I hate billet but there time is alot of money .
Saw the P-32 at a show a few years ago and really liked it, but execution was obviously hurried. Also felt the nose cone was kinda obvious... the car could have done without IMHO. Still, cool to see a Lincoln V12 used... even if it's not a motor you can hop up. Foose is really talented designer, good enough the industry guys wanted him. And give him credit for indirectly making Boyd Coddington (sic) a household name, and wisely extracating himself from that business. What he does on his show defies rational in most cases but still we watch it, 'cause the MF and about a zillion hands get it done in a week. Sometimes blingy, often questionable, but somewhat entertaining. I can't stand billet or checkbook rods either, but no one can say he doesn't have vision.
not knockin foose at all, and for sure recognize his talent. but that blanket staement of he has more talent than 99% of the country is complete bullshit. How would you know? have you met 99% of the country? I bet that there are a lot of folks on this board that have every bit of the talent that he has. They/we just weren't in the right place or the right time. To say that he is better than all of us because he's famous and/or has budgets that we dont have access to is crap. and IMHO that 32 thing is the ugliest 32 ever built. I like the engineering and all but that thing just sux.
just want to add a lil to that. ill bet chip by himself cant do half the stuff a lot of the guys on here have done.
I have to agree with Da Tin Man on this one, there are a lot of guys on here that I would rather spend a day watching do magic that live closer to the world I live in. In Japanese culture there are living legends, those who perform a craft or skill to the most perfect standard, we have several of them here. I would rather spend my day of silence watching Bass hammer and shrink fenders or Da Tin Man form steel into elegant shapes. To me they have achieved true enlightenment.
You would lose that bet so fast, your head would spin. TV and video, don't begin to show how talented he is, or how hard he works.
From what I read in many sites.. he started from the ground up, learning from his dad, now, if you hade the money, Wouldn't you use the best tools you can get? Besides, as Unkl Ian said, tv time cannot show the real talent of the guy. Foose reminds me why I came here, I like custom made stuff and classic looking cars, both stock and custom.
Holy ba Jesus, this thread is makin' me sick reading what everyone has said.... He's a skilled guy just leave it at that, geeezz.. Even if he isn't HAMB friendly, don't bitch about how he can't do stuff. He got somewhere for a reason. x2....
for the record,, i got no problem with Foose. I do have a problem with somebody kissing his ass by putting everybody else down. now back to the bickering.
I was in his shop last Summer, and was blown away. Even what wasn't Traditional, or HAMB friendly was Damn impressive to look at, and the level of craftsmanship was inspiring. I WANNA' KNOW WHERE YOU GOTTA' SHIRT? I walked into what I thought was going to be the small store to the right of the main entrance, and found myself alone in Chips' OFFICE! There were all his markers, and doodles on his art table, and illustrations filled the walls. You weren't impressed??? Did you go down to the end of the cul de sac, and say Hi to Mitch Lanzini? If not, you missed another great guy.
If you have something to say negative about Chip's craftsmanship and talent, You are dumb. Take him up on a challenege and see who wins. I think alot of his stuff has some traditional styling to it. Such as pics that have been posted..
Jesus Christ, that's my opinion, doesn't have to be yours. I'm not impressed by the shop size, tools ect. Didn't say I wasn't impressed with Foose. I bought a tee shirt. Actually 3, his female handler sold them in her office. Hope this is clear to some of you boys.
We went in 09..........i guess it's more of a design studio than a high volume Rod Shop. Still some cool stuff around...... .
I was with Jesse when Tom pitched ''Transformers(Monster Garage) Jesse kept saying "Yankee workshop" he got the "Fucking Drama Circus" I wish the show had been as low key as this. I am sure 'Jesse's world' would be a better place. Thank you for putting on something good.
Yep, it's all about the kids too. I get more waves and thumbs up from the kids as I drive my POS down the road. It's funny to watch them in the cars and distracting their parents
Foose is a class act. Met him at LARS last year. Overhaulin' gets a bit sappy for me sometimes, but the show was more about cars than American Hotrod ever was. It's the last bastion for cool hot rod shows on cable that I am aware of. Like someone else said, Chip has been a great Ambassador for the hobby. He does a variety of cars, none of them are half-assed. Speaking of car celebrities, I would love to see a Jesse James show that wasn't ruined by cable tv execs. They seem to think we want to see a bunch of cobblers put on teams and do some sort of build off. no. For gods sake if I see another episode of OC choppers I'll puke.
As anal as he is about every little detail being "clean", His office looks like a tornado blew through. HAHA! He is human. I can sleep better knowing he's not perfect!
I guess cause there isn't multi million dollar rides scattered all over and there isn't a showroom...other than that, I've been there myself and I thought it was damn cool....there was random stuff all over the shop hanging on the ceiling, in the paintbooth, there was an '65 impalla all striped out Basically alot of OT stuff but it was impressive...not Costco sized warehouse impressive but it was nice.
Plus or minus we've seen both camps with all of the posting on this hot topic. Well here's one for you, and I'll be interested in the response. Here's the deal. Your offered all of the talent, all of the contracts, all of the fame, his shop and all of his possessions and $$$'s with the snap of a finger. I want to meet the man who would walk away from an offer like that. Now, sure as hell there will be replies to this stating "no way in hell would I take all of that at the snap of the finger. I'd much rather be stuck in my $20,000/yr. job even though my credit cards are maxed out,my wife/girlfriend wishes I were dead, I'm loosing my home, I can't afford to put gas in my car, in fact I can't even make my car payments/maintenance obligations but by god damn I wouldn't trade place with that buffoon for love or money" Let the bloviating begin. Frank