I just assembled the 226 flathead six for my dads Model A, After searching a found a Knudsen aluminum head , it had corosion around some water ports and while repairing it we noticed that sixty year old sand castings have a lot of air pockets and pores. And my other project uses a fifty year old Edelbrock 6-71 blower manifold, What i am asking is opinions on the best coolant to use to prevent future corosion on these two projects. I thought about trying a zinc anode, not sure if it is a snake oil cure all sales pitch or not. Any help is appreciated
Well, I think that will be hard to read. I'm not too savy on the computer. I might be able to email it to you.
I have several vintage cars with alloy heads/pumps and use Amsoil propylene glycol, no water. Never had a problem and some are stored long periods between use. Used in a Ford V10 tow truck as well.