My girl and I are planning on a Route 66 trip in my 66 Volvo from Tulsa to Flagstaff leaving early NYE.Ive read a lot of other posts on other's route 66 trips,so I have a somewhat idea of places we plan on hitting up.Suggestions and must do's are welcomed.If there are any events happening between NYE and Jan 6th,from Amarillo to Flagstaff,any info would be great. Hope everyone else has a good Christmas and New Year. Kelly
....Kelly........Have a great time and make sure post a lot of pictues when you get back........enjoy...........Big Bad John
Check these guys out, about 15 miles north of I-40 in Alb. New Mexico.
oh yeah since your going to flagstaff.. and if you like corner carving take 89a south out of flag and take it untill you hit jerome.. fun little town...