Thanks Ryan for providing a place for all us greasers to share each others brains. merry christmas to you and everyone here. And i hope 2011 brings joy to everyone.
Love that. Ryan I have followed you since '97 and continue to do so. Brothers from afar with a shared passion. Old cars, history and a love of the average working person with nothing more than talent and a hunger to reach beyond the status quo. Thanks pal, for this site and the outreach you have created. Best to all with the insight and vision which keeps it going.
Ryan, Thanks for everything that you have done for this site and the people that enjoy it. Christmas day is only 2 hours away from being over, on this side of the planet and I am back at work for the night. The kids are all tucked up in bed dreaming about things they can get up to tomorrow with all the new stuff they got today. Enjoy your day and the way the kids love the day. Cheers. Woodbox.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Yeah, I'll shout it. HAMB and J.J. - one big crazy snowball that keeps rumbling down the mountain...gathering speed and growing in mass...over one hundred thou pairs of arms and legs jutting out every which a way...some get spit out and some get broken bones while most just yelling WHEEEEEE
Ryan, "Merry Christmas to you and your Family", and also "Happy Sweet Sixteen" to your creation, "The Jalopy Journal", that has provided so much shared knowledge, friendship, humour and a sense of comradeship for this worldwide collection of hoodlums. Thank You.
Happy 16th birthday to the HAMB and Thank You Ryan for giving real hot rodders a place to congregate and share thoughts Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Ryan and family. Thanks for all your hard work and thanks to all that contribute to this home we call the H.A.M.B.
Without this place I'd have way too much time on my handsand would probably go insane. And I'm serious too. Merry Christmas to Ryan and all you good guys on here! Paul
Merry Christmas to all members and their family! Remember the true meaning of this joyous day....enjoy the happiness, the good food, and a white Christmas (for many of us).