This Rear trans mount I made by combining a 55' Ford truck front motor mount Xmember and a 91' 5.0 T-5 trans Xmember. Yblock motor mounted with T-5 attached to Yblock truck Bellhousing. Xmember on top is the 91' 5.0 one and on bottom is the 55' Ford truck front motor mount Xmember. I cut the center out of the 5.0 Xmember and split the 55'.
From the photos it looks like you have the engine and transmission mounted to the frame at five points. If the frame flexes something will break. Factory set ups usually had three points.
Glad to see another sport coupe rising from the ashes. I am almost road worthy after almost 5 years, your pics bring back memories.
Weren't 55-57 chevies engine/trans combos mounted in 4 places? I would like to know I'd the 5-point theory is true, a's I was going to mount my mill and trans in 5 points. Great use of factory mounts btw.
I would have went with a car bellhousing and not used the center crossmember, Mummerts web site says to use the car bellhousing with this set 2cents
Yes, they used four mounts but the fronts were really close together at each side of the timing cover and provided minimal resistance to twisting. The resistance was in the bellhousing mounts. I would drop either the bellhousing mount or the tranny mount depending on the spacing of the front mounts if it were mine.
All valid points but in this case having a maybe 200hp yblock with stock rubber mounts and boxed rails I think it should be ok. I have a friend with a similiar set up making 470hp in a 52 Anglia and isn't worried about it. The truck bellhousing was modified by Mummert for the T5. I had a car yblock bellhousing but it was cracked really bad so I used the truck bellhousing. Once it is on the road I will keep an eye on things and look for any bad signs.
Will do I'm really looking forward to see how the yblock runs with the 5spd behind it. Check out this Fenton I scored from literally this guys house out in the woods near Crockett, Texas.
nevermind i can see the side mounts you made to the frame-- you know you guys can use a front "truck style" mount that's stock on the truck block.. it looks a lot like a hurst style mount up front. Does away with the side mounts thus making steering box and exhaust a ton easier...
Thanks. I actually was going to use the front 55' Truck motor mount Xmember for the block at first but it ended up being right up against the model A front axle Xmember and looked kinda weird having all that going on up there.
Very nice you wouldn't beleive how many people have asked me what that grill came off of. For some reason they usually assume a tractor?!
Here is a little different angle of it. I want to make some kind of filler piece for the top of it between the rad. and grill. Looks a little too skeletonish.
I know the 60's chevy pick ups use 4 mounts on manual trucks. I think you'll be ok as well. Nice build!