Disturbingly wrenching and surprisingly profound, I usually don't get that from a cartoon clip. Thank you for sharing that Ryan, I'm looking forward to the full release now also.
Great animation, everything modern feature film animation isn't. But rather romantic and naive with the stated emotions. Bud Anderson is (he still walks among us mere mortals) a triple ace in Mustangs. He described one unsuccessful Me 109 opponent as "He was someone trying to kill me, is all." Not a lot of hatred or any other emotion there. Here's the story, including some more on fighter pilot emotions: http://www.cebudanderson.com/ch1.htm
The animation coming out of Poland is usually quite amazing, as this piece demonstrates. Used to show a Polish animated piece in my advanced classes, it too had a message.....Thanks Ryan, for the heads up.....
Watch this on your HDTV....it really brings out the quality of it. A salts or dry lake anime like that would be great. But this I can relate to....war, struggle, thrills, adrenaline, and my passion for WWII aircraft. I believe the film is available....the website directs you to a world wide sales page....im gonna email them and see what the ordering scoop is.
if you go to http://www.pathsofhate.com/#presskit there is a folder of still shots and a trailer you can download
Amazing talent on each of the videos, and good story to go along with each. Thanks for sharing these Ryan, and Happy New Year!
This is what I got from the short film. Germans invaded Poland, Polish pilot flys British fighter in dogfight with hated Nazis(for killing his people) will fight to the end to get back at the ruthless Germans. Ago
good thing i decided to lay off the wacky tobacky this year. That would have jacked me up. Awesome clip
Saw the ladder story a year or so ago and found it interesting as were the sign painters and Glass man. This is close to a lost talent now days but like true professionals there will always be a few who will keep the craft alive and pass there talents on to others who appreciate there wares. Thanks for posting Ryan and have a great New Year.
Ryan, I don't know where you come up with this stuff, but I love it. I've got to see more. Thanks for the peek. .............Jack
Thanks for these videos and the trailer. There was a show on MTV when it was good called Liquid Television. One of the episodes was titled "The Running Man" this animation is very similar. You may be able to find it on you tube it is worth a look.
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