First it is a competition coupe so it would be a cc. It would a be A/CC or B/CC or C/CC depending on the engine size (cubic inch per pound) Roughly speaking an engine like a 392 hemi or a 394 Olds or a 390 Ford would be found in a A /CC An engine like a 327 to a 348 or 354 would be found in a B/CC and a 265 to 283 Chev would be found in a C/CC. Without the body it would be a dragster but with it is a Comp Coupe. To be classed as a dragster you would have to get er naked as in no car body, just panels. Don
An FED Dragster, would that not be a Front Engined Dragster Dragster? Seriously good looking rail you have there, would love to see that eat up the 1/4 mile!! Doc.
It's a wt/hp or wt to cubic inch thing. The advice of it being in a coupe class is correct also. Assuming it's at it's max something like A/MC, A/GC, or A/FC would be appropriate. They would designate A/Modified Coupe, A/Gas Coupe, or A/Fuel Coupe. Do a search here on "Miscalculation 3" or just "Miscalculation". Those guys revived something similar and Hot Rod Deluxe did a feature. Bitchin car bro...
Sorry I had too many Cs . I like it lots too. Looks like 96 inches WB to me but then i may be prejudiced! Don
Since this thread's initial question has been answered I would like to state the following: That 1965 N.H.R.A rule book is the proverbial shiznit as it were! Someone should show this book to Tom Compton. Maybe then he will understand that drag racing is not about ringing the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange, or plastering the N.H.R.A. web site with news about the new lawyer, or banker he has just hired... For those of you who do not know Tom Compton actually arranged it so he & Team Force could ring the day's opening bell on Wall Street in a pathetic attempt at promotion. Back in the day they used other ways to entice the potential fan like Fire Burnouts, Fuel Altereds, Trophy Girls, Wheel Standers, and wicked categories like (the above-mentioned) bad ass Competition Coupes. I appreciate the chance to rant. I am sorry if I offended anyone.
Hey I'm all about havin fun but since he is from Michigan Those are a long way to have fun. Hey Have fun and be safe too and for others safety also!