Well I found the original engine in a 1960 hot rod year book No 1. It was all hand built by Phill Freudiger, sold to Tom Cobb ,And now I was told its in the hot rod musem in Pomona. Still collecting imfo. I dont know if i can get the engine but i think the nose and the engine should be together and on a roadster body and put back on the track. Dont know if I can pull this off but thats my goal.
Wow, I was thinking that car had a flathead....I was just thinking about that nose yesterday and thought it was one of the better finds for 2010 on hamb. Maybe put up a pic of the nose or a link to the other thread, as many people may not know what nose you are talking about.
It did have a flat motor till 56 when they built this 265. Im going to meet with the owners son soon and go by the nhra musem and see the motor maybe there is a way to get it or maybe they want the nose . anyway I think they need to be togeather.with those two pieces would'nt take much to finish the car
------------------------ What's the deal on those valve covers??? I've never seen anything like those before. They look like they're cast aluminum...but they're not finned 'Corvette' covers and they say "Chevrolet" on them, like the ordinary stamped-steel stockers. Also, they appear to have some sort of 'cast in' external oiling rail for the rockers too. Mart3406 ======================
That thing is like pure heaven to me. Oh my god I would give my left foot for that thing. I'm interested in the VC's too. Definitely look like a Aluminum Chevrolet unit? Also is that a potvin blower? This wouldn't happen to be the engine that was in the So-Cal coupe at one time was it?
I think its a rocker arm oiling system, squirters if you will. I have seen newer style circle track valve covers with them , but these are sweet...
They look like bare stamped steel to me, with a rocker arm oil system affixed. I bet if we saw a close-up shot, we'd see them welded on, or maybe brazed. -Brad
Not sure what the heck you are talking about, but that is one bad ass looking motor. If that were mine, I'd have a hell of a hard time letting that go.
do you know where the engine is,today. I was told in a musem in Pmona? I would like to contact the owner