nope... i'm into cars and i happen to be female. i couldn't date anyone who isn't into cars. sorry bout your luck. have you tried getting her involved? maybe you could turn her onto them.
could not have said it better myself .....hell my wife has her own custom ....yip sounds like you got the wrong wimmin ........
My wife loves my cars, reckons the Bucket is "cute". I guess I'm lucky, she encourages me to build another and has pointed out in zines what she likes/would like to build. Cheers, Jimbob
My wife is better at finding old tin laying around in back yards and farms than I am. She loves going anywhere in the bombs. Pat
my girl loves my cadi. She calls it her car. But she hates the time it takes. She doesn't like me workin on my cars or going to meets and what not. Bah. part of the package I say.
does your wife have a cool old car? why not? mine does,although neither of our projects are roadworthy at the present,(kids in college X 3),she still digs them. now putting up with some of the bullshit and antics that goes on at some gatherings,well that is another story! get her a ride if you can,or let her have a hand in the buildup of yours! you might have to sit in on some needlepoint sessions or scrapbooking,(LOL),but she's worth it.
Not everyone has a hobby that takes up a lot of time and space. I am fortunate that my wife supports this hobby. She doesn't like the same cars as I do but has never complaned when I spend a weekend working in my little shop. Occasionaly she sends me out to the shop and when lunch time comes around will bring something to eat and just spend time discussing what I am doing. Yes a support group is needed by some but some of us are the lucky ones.
My wife loves cars....she's a jet engine machanic i just cant seem to get her to put one in my coupe.
I'm with ya Vern! I don't have anything complete but every time I show her something I like, she hates it! "That would be embarassing...." She hates the cars, the swap meets, the flea-markets, the time I spend in the garage and when I'm on the phone with grandpa and other car guys. I'm really hoping to get one done and go to cruise-ins. If we make it a Friday and Saturday night evening out, I'll kill two birds with one stone......
My girlfriend doesnt mind my cars as long as they have heat. She had a 49 chrysler that she drove everyday, until her ex had it impounded and it was auto auctioned. Guess I was just lucky finding her. Jonney
Let me explain how I got mine to tolerate it, not like it. We had been married a couple of years and she complained about all the time spent on the cars. We were making good money and we traveled and did whatever we wanted. One night at the super table it came up again. I explained that I was 30 foot out the door with the kids if she needed me. I would sell everything and buy another camping trailer and bass boat and go back to hunting and fishing out of state every weekend like I used to do before we married. She sometimes helps me pick the color now. Been married 23 years to this one. TP
Mine hates my cars, too. She cant see the potential in a car if its not already done. I traded a $200 86 VW GTI for a $1800 67 chevelle malibu for her and when she saw that the malibu was ugly, she told me to take it back!! She told me to sell it, and buy what I wanted. That was 2 months ago and the garage is still empty cause she wont let me bring anything home thats not running. She's a pain in the ass, but I still love her. She doesn't know i'm getting a drop tank. That should be exciting!! I should sell tickets to the fight!!!
wife #1: hated my cars and my friends wife #2 hated my cars but liked my friends. Infact she like them so much she f--ked one of them. wife #3 likes my cars and my friends and my...I think I'll keep this one...LOL
My wife likes some of the cars, but has made it very plain she would rather go to Viva or Paso than the street rod nationals. She says street rods are boring. We also have a deal that if I don't drag her to a swap meet, she won't make me go to a craft show. Works for me!
Hahahahahahaha Had a similar thing Wife 1 Liked cars liked friends, ran off with friend Wife 2 (current) Likes cars, tolerates friends, won't let me drive my car anywhere. You got to love her.
Made a deal with my wife..., Called it dollar matching..., which means that for every dollar I spend on the car she would get the same amount to spend on anything she desired...!!! Worked great when I was making a bundle...! But watch out if she thinks you're spending more...! (ps We're no longer married...! !!!)
Yeah my wife hates my cars too..And she isnt interested in getting one for herself she is happy with her new Hyundai..She tolerates me working on them but there is no changing her mind.
Sorry to hear it. My wife likes all my cars. The deal is that I can bring home whatever I want as long as I get them running and driving. She would have less tolerance if I had them up on blocks for 10 years. I also make it a point to bring my 1yr old out with me to cruise nights and car shows and swap meets. The wife can't hate something that her hubby and daughter are into. PLUS.... I have a new shovel and a big ol back yard. I can't bury a full size truck but the wife is only 5' 4"
I could never understand how a car guy could get into a relationship and then marry a woman that doesn't like his hobby. Weren't there any caution lights blinking to warn that this might be a potential problem before you said "I do"? Normally the wife wants the time that you devote to your hobby to be lavished upon her instead. If that's the case, she has a security problem. I'd seek some professional help for her. She should be lucky that you're chasing old car parts and layin' on your back under the car. She knows where you are and what you're doin'. That's worth alot. I'd tell her the alternative from cars is to be chasing other women (that might have an appreciation for cars) or spending your free time at the local titty bar shovin' $5 bills down some dancers garter strap or g-string. Or you could be under some babe gettin' off, rather than being on the creeper under the car. I don't have a lot of sympathy with guys that didn't do their homework and made the wrong choice picking the one that said "I do". And I know a bunch that fall into this category.
My wife thinks I spend a bit too much time on the cars,buuuuuutttt since she has kept me since 1982 she has learned to live with it ,mostly. LOL
I had a guy looking at a bike I had for sale once. He said his wife would probably kill him if he brought it home. I told him "Yea, I used to have a wife and Harleys--Still have the Harleys." He didn't even grin, I think she had him pretty well trained. Larry T