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Wife HATES my car!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Vern, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. bellyjello
    Joined: Aug 6, 2004
    Posts: 433


    Phones been ringing off the hook all Weekend. I listed a project '67 2 door Hardtop chevelle in the local paper. Add reads needs total restoration no motor or tranny, no interior. $600. Wifes going crazy answering the phone. To rough for the two guys that looked at. She asked why I bought it. It had a nice set of ralley wheels and two hoods. An ss hood and a small block hood. If she only new about the other cars......
    Joined: Jun 2, 2002
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    And a FINE crop it is...


    You're gay.

    The car thing is just her excuse.

    It's time you took your pants back, got your balls out of her purse and told her how it's gonna be.

    Then right after that, you can come live in my barn.

    Has your kid called her a "nut sack" yet?
  3. joeycarpunk
    Joined: Jun 21, 2004
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    from MN,USA

    That pretty much hit it right on the head. She has no desire to have an old car for herself, but will ride with me any place I go. I believe I have a keeper.
    The only exception is when we're going to a wedding or something you dress up for, she don't want to take the roadster and get all wind blown. :D
  4. sexton
    Joined: Jan 27, 2005
    Posts: 12

    from ????

    joeycarpunk.....i'll have to keep that in mind when i finish my '27 buggie. there are bennies to driving alone!!!!!!!sexton THEM!
  5. buckethead
    Joined: Nov 3, 2003
    Posts: 48


    This is a common problem with ANY hobby that a man has. I have been married for 23 years and have found a secret to keeping pease in the home. The secret is do something really nice for your wife BEFORE and AFTER you do something stupid. I had her kitchen remodled before I started my modified project, (had to sell my '34 to pay for that), but I pulled it off with out any problems. I used her new dishwasher to cleanup 10 - 15 94 carbs for sale on ebay, did something nice for her before and after that and got by with it. You just have to create the illusion the she is the supreme ruler and you got it made.
  6. dunbroke2
    Joined: Jan 1, 2005
    Posts: 40

    from ala

    vern what you gotta do is post pics of wife and car and let the hamb decide
    hell i might even hate your car too! what you got and whats it look like ..
    now me Ill put up with a few quiks form something that looks cool and atracts a little attention when ever I take her out. I was talking bout the carget yalls mind out of the gutter

    if it aint broke we will fix it til its and if it works we will find out whos b een messing with it!
  7. 50dodge4x4
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
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    Gee guys, I feel bad your you poor bastards. The 54 Dodge pickup we cruise around in is HER truck. Licensed, titled and insured in her name! She even put up some of the cash when I was building it.

    She used to love the street rod we had before the truck and was disapointed when we sold it after the truck was done. I had a 47 Plymouth sitting "out back" for over ten years, she wouldn't let me sell it until I found "the car" I always wanted, then I ended up selling it to our son!

    In May we are celibrating out 29th Aniversary. I'm sorry I can not comprehend a spouse not at least tolorating the other spouses hobbys. Maybe thats part of the problem? You guys with a wife that hates your car, how do you like her hobby? Gene
  8. Dude, What did You talk About Before You got Married, The Weather !!!! There Are A Few things You needed to know before you get married 1- Does He/she dig the same thing I do. 2- If #1 Dosen't apply does he/she understand my Addiction, I mean Completly (This is not a Choice it's who YOU are and he/she WILL NOT be able to change you) 3- If he/she Doesn't understand try like hell to make them understand. 4- IF that Dosn't work have fun at knitting class or what ever !!!!!
    I am blessed my wife is bugging me to build her a 69 Camaro, She loves Cars but it helped that her Dad owned his own garage!!
  9. buzzard
    Joined: Apr 20, 2001
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    Alliance Member

    When I met my wife, she had a '64 Impala. No air, power steering, or power brakes and it was her ONLY car. She was more hardcore about it than I was. It's one of the reasons I knew she was a keeper.

    Now I spend all my free time building her '58!
  10. That's funny...

    I dated a girl, last year, who said she'd go to the Pile-Up with me, but wouldn't ride there in my coupe.
    She didn't go.

    My ex, too... the bitch...
    I busted my ass and drained our bank account to put my deuce back on the road after almost ten years following the fire that destroyed it.
    I took her with me on the first ride, and when we got home I asked her what she thought...
    "Eh... it's alright"... was the reply I got from her turned back.
    Did I mention... she's my ex?

    G'luck dude... :eek:

  11. 30roadster
    Joined: Aug 19, 2003
    Posts: 1,793


    BenD's wife (Missy) straightened me out... I couldn't understand why my wife hated my car stuff......Missy told me that it was a visualization thing.... I can see the potential of my rusty crap...she see's formless garbage that has no value - monetary or any other. After Missy's guidance I figured out how to phrase what i was doing and any time i mock up something i'll bring her down to the shop and show her. she still doesn't get it.....but a little help visualizing for her makes my life much easier. :D
  12. Guess I'm finally learnin' after two misses.
    Number one, make damn sure they've never been committed to a mental institute (funny thing, some women don't wanna let that little factoid out...)
    Number two, make damn sure they LIKE old cars by gettin' her in one and around more.
    Picked up my current GF in my Citroën CX, first time we went out. Instead of wondering what kinda fool would own a car that has NO servicing agents in the entire country, she regales me with tales of her neighbour when she was little who had a DS.

    Now she wants to learn how to drive the 2CV6...

    I got her a Volvo ('89 240) for her daily, and she won't even look at a new car, says this one suits her fine.

    I know it's not a '55 Bel Air, but for MOST women, five years is too old for a car...and it's gotta have air bags and ABS and TCS and four wheel drive and AM/FM and PCB and, and, and SHIT!!! - DILLIGAF?? :D

    Time will tell, but she already knows when a swap meet is a bust, and when it's good.

    She's a little reluctant on the gettin' dirty part, but I can live with that.

  13. JasonK
    Joined: Apr 16, 2004
    Posts: 753


    My wife hated my car until her Mother said she liked it. Now it's okay to her. She just hates me working on it. It's a un-win-able battle.....
  14. Gasserfreak
    Joined: Aug 31, 2004
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    from Yuma, AZ

    Geez, I guess I forgot to ask;).
  15. bowtie327
    Joined: Feb 20, 2005
    Posts: 23

    from Tracy, Ca.

    Don't have a wife, but my mom never seems to stop naggin... So what if theres no engine and its to low to drive into the driveway without scraping?:)
  16. Avg.Joe
    Joined: Dec 5, 2004
    Posts: 341


    The '50 Hudson my wife's driving was mine for about a week until she took it for a cruise by her self one day. Now she makes me ride shot gun in it, I just laugh, She gets pissed if I say its my car. She told me to get my own project and I did. She has let me spend five hours a day on it since August, no joke. Did you ever see a man do the laundry and an off frame resto simultaneously.
    Ease her into it slowly, she might learn to love it. Or you have other legal options.
  17. JamesG
    Joined: Nov 5, 2003
    Posts: 5,249


    This is not so in all case's, but you almost have to have a wife that shares your love of cars. Most all of the car buddies I've had that wives did not like their hobby, did not make it. But I have a bunch who have been married for 30 plus years and the rest is history.

    Hell, my best car bud has been married to his wife for 35 years and she's the one that gets out and polishes on their Nova. They are very happy and I hope that anyone who is stricken with the illness that we all share can find their true "someone".
  18. Grumpy
    Joined: Jan 28, 2003
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    from NE Ohio

    My wife's dad owned a bodyshop. He made her go down everyday after school and sand on her first car. If she didn't, she didn't get it.

    She loves this as much as I do. She plays sometimes, but I can't go to a swapmeet w/o her. And she "likes" me to take her to craft shows, so I do to make her happy.

    Look at the pics. She gets into it:D

    She does my interiors, paints or details if needed, cleans whatever car I have at the time almost always....damn fine woman!
  19. My wife couldn't care less about cars as long as she has something decent to drive. She doesn't bitch about mine though. She doesn't like to go to shows or meets, but doesn't bitch about me going to those either. I don't mind, it gets me away with the guys for awhile.(I love her but damn, I don't want to spend every second with her:D ) Everybody needs some time apart. Sometimes though, I gotta go do things momma wants to do. Gotta keep her happy or nobody's happy.
  20. pigpen
    Joined: Aug 30, 2004
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    from TX USA

    My second EX WIFE hated my '55 pickup, my project roadster, and my guitar. She lasted not quite two years. I came back from a WESPAC cruise and found that she had a boyfriend and wanted to leave. I didn't put up much of a fight. Good riddance. The one I have now has been around for 24 years. Likes the guitar, the hot rods, and me too. Wonder of wonders. :cool:

  21. bulletproof1
    Joined: Feb 23, 2004
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    from tulsa okla

    my ex liked my jeep when we first started dating ,she went wheeling with me and hepled get ready for trips then after we got married it was to expense (shop paid for everything i had little or no out of pocket expenses),or it took to much time ,or it was too hot or cold then she didnt feel well.everytime i talked about getting my old frod going she would go off.bla bla bla.nows she the ex...........still have the jeep and building my ford of course i could have built 2 cars for what it cost me .but it was well worth it ...good god omighty im free at last....
  22. Boyd Who
    Joined: Nov 9, 2001
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    Boyd Who

    My first wife hated my car and told me "either it goes or I go".
    Funny...I had the same car when I met my second wife. :p
  23. leadsleadolds
    Joined: Jun 7, 2004
    Posts: 1,817


    Usualy if you show them what the end product will be they are OK with it. When I drove the 59 buick home the old lady hated it a couple of months later she said it was gonna be her car and I get the olds. Little dose she know there all mine but she gets the illusion of having one. She still hates the 55 Olds wich is beyond me you would figure she'd think the buick was ugly.

    My mother still has displaced anger for old cars because my shit head dad used to buy a new set of cragars or drag another car home when us kids didnt have clothes or food. I know there some of you guys out there one of my buddys is the same way. Maybe a old car offended your old lady at some time like my mom.
  24. luketrash
    Joined: Jul 29, 2004
    Posts: 301


    She won't ride in the car with me.. It doesn't have seat belts, exhaust leaks. She thinks it's OK, but HATES me looking around for the next deal at all times.. I think she's seen 10 vehicles pass through my ownership in the 5 years we've been together, and I have 7 right now. It's just a given that I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for good deals and make good on them regularly.

    What I don't like is that she's too scared to ride in the old car, and the ONE time I did get her to ride in it, the fuel filter plugged up with gunk and we died on the busiest road in town and I coasted into a restraunt lot (and ran across the road to buy a new fuel filter)

    So even though I saved the day and we got home, this event has given her some excuse to never get into it again. She won't ride on my motorcycle because they're dangerous. She won't learn to ride the Allstate scooter I got her because they are dangerous. She won't learn how to use the riding lawn mower because it's dangerous, or operate the snow blower...

    Her domain is the kitchen (her kitchenaid mixer scares me more than any of the shit I use) and mine is the garage.

    She bitches when I buy something new, but isn't all that serious since I don't blow my money in a really dumb manner.

    I just wish she was more into the 'enjoying' of all the family fleet. She *loves* our new beetle, bleh... I love that it gets 50 mpg, and that's about it.

    Basically I don't complain when she schemes on these arts and crafts message boards and buys wool to knit with, and i've trained her to leave me alone when I'm scheming on my internet boards about cars, trucks, and motorcycles.

    I don't have a period correct hotrod, but the relationship is a lot like my grandparent's, and unlike my parents'
  25. My wife doesnt necessarily hate old cars, but wouldnt want one to drive unless it was really nice and clean, with air conditioning, etc.
    She does not like all the dirty crap in, around, all over the place. She's not into a half dozen or so cars coming in each week and half that leaving. She doesnt like the fact I rareley finish one before getting another, or selling it to buy more stuff.
    She does not like all the phone and computer time I spend during the day and night, or people stopping by unannounced at any time.
    She doesnt like being stuck with the kids on the weekend when I go to a swapmeet or show. No she wont go.
    She does like the $$$ it all makes, but would prefer I had a "real job". I could never accomplish the things I do working for someone else.
    I probably need to spend some time on the house upgrades, but other than that we're good.
    Or at least I think so..
  26. rustywrench
    Joined: Feb 25, 2005
    Posts: 253


    Yeah, thats it....the computer!!! My wife hates the 'puter too! I made her promise that she would go to a car show or swap meet this summer! (we'll see)I figure it can go either way. Maybe she'll be into it or.......maybe she'll realize why i'm so f--cked up with this hobby. Took her about 3 minutes to notice the model a frame on the jackstands the night I slipped it in the garage. "what's that thing in the garage"? If I could just get a car done that I maybe could label as transportation then maybe she wouldn't bug me. :confused: :mad: :eek: :(
  27. Christiana56TS
    Joined: Jan 4, 2005
    Posts: 22


    My ex-boyfriend haaaaaaaaaaaaated my car... Every day it was a new snide remark, a new comment on the condition, or the time I spent with it (or looking for parts...)... It turned into a REAL bore, so now's he's my ex. My favorite was "Why do you like *that car* more than me?" My reply: "Because *that car* only starts with me when I want her to...".
    I don't think one's significant other needs to be into the same things, but a respect for what you're into, or at least respect enough to not bash your loves, is nessisary in my book. And, it does seem to make things easier in the long run...
  28. Bluto
    Joined: Feb 15, 2005
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    I really feel sorry for somma you guys
    My Wife is 36 years younger than me
    She has her own collection of cars,a couple bikes and scooters even three trucks

    She grew-up with her father's collection which includes Steam Locos,B-25 parts and tons-a-other stuff

    Guys take time find the RIGHT lady!!!!

    I settled for less most my life and had all the stories here and more!! A LOT MORE!!

    This women is the last and best love of my life!

    I'm livin' proof you can win!! EVEN OLD!! You can win!!
  29. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    Have you looked under the hood of that thing yet?:eek: :eek:
  30. TNsportster
    Joined: Jan 2, 2005
    Posts: 116


    MY wife just hates ME.......

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