Im looking for some pics of FEs with ac so I can see how its originaly laid out. I want to do an engine driven compressor. My 352 and the one in my buddys F100 have no ac so I dont know what it looks like.
You didn't spec the year, but I imagine you are looking for something like this. I don't know of a similar diagram for '61 to '66 F100's
FM, I can't see your pic, but I'm using my phone. I'll try on my buddies computer later. Anyway I'm looking for 62 Galaxie setup on a 352 if it's model specific.
The diagram I posted was '68-72 F100. I was going off your statement about your buddies F100. It is very large, probably why you can't see it on your phone. The location is similar on the Galaxies. In front of the drivers side valve cover
Hey that pic is perfect FM. I found tons of york compressors, now I have an idea of what to make my brackets look like. thanks
These are the only two of my FE that I could find. It is in the barn back home otherwise I would go and snap a few for you. -Dave
i've got the compressor loose on my 61 galaxie 352 right now so if u want some close up details pics of the brackets just let me know