I picked up this cowl a few years ago for $20, I couldn't pass it up. The seller didn't know what it was and neither do I. It looks like 30-31 Model "A", but the top isn't a gas tank, though it did have a filler hole. Plus the firewall looks like 28-29 as does the cowl shape. Any ideas? Pictures bellow. If you look to the driver's side of the cowl you can see where I cut out a side vent and patched it. You can see where the tank filler hole was and the side vent. It obviously had a tank under here at one point that acted as the upper part of the fire wall.
the body lines are same as 30-31 but the firewall is 28-29...they only came in fourdoor models too I am pretty sure. Briggs also made that style but I am pretty sure yours is Murray. I have had dozens of them.
If you're looking for a project for it, you could always use it on a little roadster like Greg Lazzerini's!
Thanks for the help guys. I found this thread which tells the same story and has afew photos. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=130564&highlight=briggs+body That little roadster is amazing, looks like it has roadster quarter panels connected right to the cowl? Interesting. I"m thinking about making a nice simple little modified out of it, pre war style on an "A" chassis. I just need to find a chassis now, and finish my other project first.
Not to steal the thread, but WOW I like Lazzerini's roadster!!! Rich, do you have an more pics, or is there a thread on this car?! Now, back to our normally scheduled "What is it?" thread...