Yesterday, I go for a hours drive, following up on a lead for a 3 window Coupe. I find it, it is a 29 Pontiac 3 window, very solid, pretty straight. I buy it , and all the surrounding rusty 20's & 30's tin. The pic of the 20's stuff, was "stuffed" inside the Poncho. Anybody help id this early stuff? look close at the lower rockers, makes it look like it was a Coupe. but the door lowers are different. The sill plates may or may not be for it . They have Ford script on them. SO, here I am , wandering home with rusty junk, and I come across a guy with a truck and trailer load m heading for the scrapyard. I pulled out 3 cowls. I believe the 2 Fords are early 30 and late 30. The doors on the left one were 28"s wide, the door for the right one was 29" wide??? The roadster cowl ... I need help with. anty ideas ?? I was told the Coupe rear quarters were Crysler. Thanks , Jeff Brock
Cowls are 4 door Murray body cowl (back). 30-31 Model A (Middle). '26 Chev roadster/tourer cowl (front).
Thanks ... so far. Was Murray associated with Ford? the reveals are identical. How about the 20's tin? * 4T6 : The Cadi / rear quarters are at my studio. I have a lot of early Cadillac engines.
the back cowl is 28/29 ford model a murry body 4 door cowl. They look like a 30-31 but the fire wall is a 28-29. they were only on 4 doors and they are ford model As, also Briggs made the same style I believe. The middle cowl is a 30-31 ford model A cowl and the front is as stated above. The quarter panel you have pictured is not ford. I know that. I think it is chevrolet but I could be wrong
OK. I checked the internet for Murray. I KNEW that one! {obviously, I'm not a Ford man} I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the 20's tin!
Crotex, {just because it's fun}I spent a good hour or so, online, with just the 20's tin. It doesn't really match up with anything I found, early T, center door sedan included?
20's tin. the odd part is, one door has a sharp 90 degree {like the coupe in this link} , bottom corner, the other is rounded on both bottom corners.,r:4,s:67&tx=143&ty=45
Mac, I think your right. The front, full length "A" pillars {laying in between the doors in pic} are the tell tale, for a pre 15 T Doctors Coupe. It also appears pre 15 had the single reveal, body line , instead of the double yours has. ...there are more peices to retrieve, that were frozen in the ground.