Hi guy, I have a question about my 1941 chevy pickup, channelled pickup. I was wanting to figure out what class it would have been in when it was made or later in life, and what the abbreviations for it would be.It is chopped, channelled, with a 355 t350 combo. Any ideas?
In the 60s it would be in the Altered class because its channeled. I believe you were allowed no more than 4" in chop in the Gas classes. Pat
Depends on how much it is chopped and channeled...NHRA did not allow more than 6" of either, but not both...more than 6" landed you in the competition coupe class.
should have added "altered." these guys are right, no channeling in gas classes, and no more that 4" chop
Well, it channeled 6 in the back of the cab and 8 in the front, and chopped 5, so I guess it would have been alted class? is the first letter engine type and the second vehicle class?Theres a pic for better reference in my profile of how the truck sits now.
If its channelled 8" at the front its a competition coupe.I have attached a few pics of typical competition coupes. Judging by your avatar, you are building a "truckster" correct? Now, ask yourself honestly, does your truck bear any resemblance whatsoever to any of the attached photos? Why do you feel the need to have a class designation on your truck?
Your truck is a copy of a modern interpretation of a hot rod... not something that was built in the 40's or 50's... so, having a designation on it, or even talking about it is kinda lame. Besides... the NHRA wasn't around in the 40's... DOH!!! Sam
Your thread title got a chuckle outta me. In fact I thought it might be a joke but noticed the date wasn't April 1. Trucks like yours weren't conceived until the 90s, so putting a 40s NHRA (lol) gas class designation on your severely chopped channeled and lowered truck is a little out there. If you're really convinced you need some letters, I suggest putting A/GS on it. If you're gonna be a bear, be a grizzly.
The great thing about my truck, is that it's mine, and nobody has to worry as to what I do to it. im sure you guys all have alot of years on me, and you probably all have some pretty awesome vehicles, but is this a reinactment? Does everything have to be perfectly 50's or 60's styled? Do you cuff up your pants and roll up your smokes in your sleeves there boys? Your probably the same people that claim the air in thier tires is from 56 huh? Good luck with impressing people I guess, I built mine for fun.
Uh oh. Here comes the Rockabilly dog pile. If you are not measuring pants cuffs with the official HAMB approved Cuff Calipers, then you shouldn't comment. Nowadays, the hip rodder rolls a Nicorette patch in his sleeve. The great thing about your truck is that it's yours.
Seems you're the one wanting the "correct" class for your faux gasser. Just paint whatever you want on it...
Well, yeah, that was pretty bonehead of me to type 1940's NHRA, im real sorry about that, but just cause some of you have a little one, don't mean ya gotta act like a big one. The nhra wasn't yet doin business then, your right,I was wrong, but there was damn sure some drag racing goin down before it was sanctioned, and if there weren't pickups like mine in the classes, then just f****in say "there was no class for somethin that chopped up kid", and be done with it. You guys must really want hot rodding to go ahead and die don't you? Instead of explaining to a younger guy when he's wrong, you tear em' to shreds like a pack of dogs, that's one way to scare off future rodders, huh?. Man, the one good thing about this is, I learned just how right all my friends were when they told me the only thing this site was good for was sellin parts and collecting bad opinions from a few of the bad apples if you make one mistake.
I was just asking if there was one. Apparently if you ask a question you can be verbally crucified now if it's not up to par with these guys.
You got stupid answers to a stupid question. If you read some old threads and make use of the search function, you'll have more luck. And, you'll hopefully understand that in the '40s nobody would've built something like that. The 21st century style is what you have. Quit showing your ass and use this site for what it's for. Lots of people are willing to help. Probably not though, if you're insulting. Don't get all pushed out of shape over this. Spend a few days reading older threads. Your questions will get a better response if you know what the HAMB is about.
Try here. <cite>www.killbillet.com/</cite> you will be welcomed with open arms. I think you have wandered into the wrong forum. Common mistake, no hard feelings.
And as far as the size of your dick, you will have to take that up with mommy and daddy, we cant help you with your shortcomings in that area. Must admit, I DO admire your candor.
Co^^P nu^^bers on any vehicle that isn't a bonified race car or Is just co^^ing back fro^^ the track is about the la^^est trend I have seen lately. It screa^^s look at ^^e I'^^ a Wannabee. On the truck, it would have been stuck in altered or Co^^p coupe/sedan at the drags and what class would have depended on the CI vs weight.