OK, I got it nailed. I axed out the dropped headlight bar...it just didn't do anything for me. The stock headlights are neat, but I wanted something different. I tried BLC's, Guides, ect. Nothing looked right. Then I barrowed a set of Guide 903 A's from my Brother. Bingo. So now I need a set. Anyone have any?
Ok, after I got over my WTF! moment I realized you were joking. Man, that thing is right on. Now if I can only get my coupe going again... RGG
I'm a bigger fan of the standard BLC's...how bout I talk you out of a decent pair of standard BLC's, and you can talk me out of my pair of 903 a's
Did you ever know that you're my hero? Shit, I'm quoting Bette Midler...time for bed. Or Whisky! Really dig the truck Chris.
OK, so not much more going on but I did manage to re-wire the whole lighting system. The truck was rewierd in all red 14 gauge wire and it was pretty nasty. I cleaned it up when I got it but it was just shot. The brake light never worked right and so forth. So I pulled out everything and re did the whole shebang. I used a Model A lighting harness I had from my roadster and cut it up. I also boguht some various colored cloth wiring and now it has all functioning lights! It was a lot simpler then I thought (I am not an electriction) and was actually kind of fun I also replaced the mid 40's tailight with a nice original deuce I had...have another to go on the other side as well. Got em working last night and she hasn't burnt down yet!