My neighbor worked for Aurora, I had a sick setup....remember fixing braided contacts all the time...I gave it to my neighbors kids across the street when I started building real Hot Rods....wish I still had them for my kids! Damn rails were a pain!
Thanks Springs for posting those.... I'm still trying to find the real Aurora Racing Oil in the 1/3 oz Testors bottles... I looked on ebay and couldn't find any...
I grew up in Franklin Square [ Long Island NY ] close to the Aurora factory and would dumpster dive there all the time. All the plastic parts you wanted as long as you went thru all the defects and oil to get to the good stuff. My lay out grew from a 4x8 sheet of plywood to half the basement floor. I wounder what the dumpsters are like outside places like Brookville? Probably smell like Hell but look like Heaven.
It would sure be nice if Tomy or Auto World came out with single lane pieces for a two lane track... I know Aurora had those years ago but not many of those pieces were made..
This is bringing back a lot of cool memories. I still have some 1/64 cars and a 1/32 or 1/43 (can't remember which) eldon track.
I just noticed someone on ebay selling an A/FX Super II chassis for 170 sheckels.... YIKES!!! That's crazy money there...
I have the Tyco Plymouth Satellite cop car that I stupidly gutted like a retard when I was a kid just so I can play with it with my other HW cars. I repainted it too and its missing everything but the blower. I also have the Johnny Lightning reissued Aurora Javelin AMX's
I was thinking about washing some of the bodies I have with some Windex and then airbrush them with some Future floor wax when dry.. That should make them look pretty.. I also have some old ones that need a paint job..
If you have some extra disposable cash laying around check out Autoweek did a story about them, they built a replica of lagauna seca for some ford execs, and even used dirt form the racetrack Mike
Here's a couple more of mine... A '67 GT-350 Mustang, a '71 Plymouth GTX or Roadrunner and the Javlin Pro-Stocker...
Sorry about that, here try this I was at work, and when I googled it, that is the link I got, but we have filters at work where we can not go to certain sites, and that ended up as one of the non work related sites I could go to Mike
Found a stack of Auto World decals from the 70's when I used to hold mail-in HO slot car races. These are the old water release decals. If you can use one or two for your cars, let me know (with a PM or email) with your address. First come - served.
I've had this around for a while, a buddy gave it to me many years ago. It's 1/24th scale, and I believe its Revell. I've never found out much more than that. Anyone here know?
Best wierd slot car I have: Tootsietoy ventured into them for one set about 1962 or so - die cast metal body Corvair slot cars that are like a true 1/64th scale. Unless they're mint they have no real value, though.
Looking in the attic for one thing I can't find of course and I found something else. This. I must have used the motor but the body looks fairly complete. Doubt many are around as Atlas was a poor kids second choice even back then and it is ugly to me. Probably why I still have it and wasn't used.
Today I found my old speed secret book from AutoWorld dated 1970. Check out the paper cutout body on the back cover...
Dam you guys. I had just come to terms with the idea of selling off my slot cars to help finance 1 to 1 scale projects. Then I see this thread and get all pumped up about them again. Haven't set up a track in years, but maybe someday. Here's some of mine, lets see more of yours.
This is so cool !!!! Me and my brothers had a shipping crate full of this stuff when we were kids - never thought of it till I just seen this thread. Have to call the old brother up and see if he still has all the stuff - sounds likes a great way to spend a Saturday with a box of beer !!!!!
More from up in the attic. Remember AJ's/Twinn-K? They used to send us stuff to give away at our national races. Found a couple leftovers. Decals, track tip/sales sheets and some jacket patches.