Hello, have little problem bought this truck last year, 1936 ford truck but, friends are telling that is a 35 cab, chassis is a1937 so i just d/know. 1er picture is my truck is the green with out front and the another truck is 1936 w/front end.
Pretty sure the one that is just the cab on the chassis is a '35, the other is '36,'37. The difference is at the base of the windshield where the posts meet the body. I might have that back wards because it has been years since I owned a '35, but I'm pretty sure. The grill shell on the second one is '36 though.
It is definately a 35 cab, but not too many people will know the differences. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=236409&highlight=35+pickup+tech
...grill. hood side,back wheel is a 36 ford truck.......first photo has 36 front wheel, looks like 1935 cab(wish there was a better photo, nice if show inside trim)
Yeah boy, the second one is a '36. '37s had V'd windshields. The first one is most debbinintly a TREE-5.
Also the 36 had the v/8 hood emblem at the front of the hood side, 35 was in the center of the hood side======miller35