Joined the HAMB to learn more about 30s, 40s and 50s street rods and talk cars with some people. Currently working on a 51 Chevy fast back, 57 Chevy hard top and a 34 international truck.
Welcome. Always good to see more Maryland guys jump on board. Sounds like you have a great, supportive wife and helpful father-in-law. Have fun and enjoy your HAMBtime....Don.
Welcome from Parkville MD. we have a social group on the board. We don't do much but it is nice to know who is close by when you need an extra set of hands. Join up, do a short intro in the group so we know where you are; add you pin to the locator map and find out who is close by. John
Welcome to the H.A.M.B. from Nor Cal and the Cam-Snappers Hot Rod Club! Check out the club group! Love to have ya!
I'm down in Harrisonburg, VA. I'm working with some '34-'36 IH stuff, myself. If you have any/need any parts, let me know.