Hey, I'v been on here for a while and thought it was time to do an intro. My name is Justin. I live in Winston Salem, North Cakalaky. I've been into old cars for as long as I can remember. I work at a Harley dealership. My current project is a 1950 Chevy Styleline. I am working on it whenever I get a chance, my 2 year old daughter takes up most of my time. I hope to get alot of good info from this forum.
Welcome from Dallas, NC. Know what ya mean, got a 17 month old daughter and thats where most of my time is spent also.
Welcome from Florida. Enjoy the time with your daughter. My two year old daughter just turned 39. Boy she's getting old. Lee
Welcome to the H.A.M.B. from Nor Cal and the Cam-Snappers Hot Rod Club! Check out the club group! Love to have ya! http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/g...hp?groupid=619