I have a 52 Pontiac Catalina, and did a clip swap, so I had to disconnect all the lines, linkage, etc to the tranny. Does anyone know where to find (or have) any info on hooking it back up?
Mr Speed here's a couple of links for you to try. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=147409 http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=552346&highlight=hydro Its mostly B&M info but maybe you'll find something in there you can use.
this should have it http://www.faxonautoliterature.com/...air-Shop-Manual-Reprint-All-Models-P9627.aspx
I neede to get this stuff out for me anyway. It was just good incentive to do a search. if you do an advanced search on hydro there are a lot of threads about it including some stock stuff.
It should be kinda easy, spedo cable in the drivers side rear, right side 2 cooler lines, tv cable, and vac modulater. vac modulator to intake port, TV cable to throtle linkage, this can be a little tricky to adjust properly. Cooler lines to tranny cooler. I think that's all she is.
You obviously know nothing about early Hydros. They do NOT have vacuum mods., TV cables and as I recall no cooler lines. They do have a rod that works a a TV control.
While everyone is on this subject. Anyone got info on where I can find a flywheel for a B&M hydro stick to a Chevy small block. I have the rest of the B&M torus, but need a flywheel.
Look for a flex plate/flywheel for a later '50s Chevy truck with a hydromatic. They used a stock one and the later '50s trucks came with a hydro optional. Yoyu may even be able to get pieces from B&M if you ask. Its a long shot but worth the effort if you want to get on the road.
Checked with B&M a while ago. They know nothing on these anymore. Also been checking the Chevy truck sites for awhile. Thanks. Still Looking.