Samples, just for fun. The blue version is made from a box fan frame, made four of them. The orange one, scrap sheet metal, bead rolled, all are dupont acrylic enamel. Thnaks to kustombuilder for his awesome fridg work! Now I just need to get all the other projects in my head started
This wasn't by hand but, I took my first shot at pinstriping digitally. A fellow HAMBer is printing this on a shirt for me, I can't wait to get it. Thanks for helpin me out TheDooWopKid13. If it's only supposed to be hand painted stuff, I'll delete my post.
Sure! I'll be at the S.I.N.S. show in belgium next month with other stuff to sell. Imust tell you that this one is one of my favorite and is't gonna be hard to let it go. Happy you like it
...great. Now I can't get those boobs out of my head... Nice work. On the boxes. Not the... oh, nevermind!
Just a couple of works in progress;the first is flat black on plexi with process blue for the first color.I'm still pondering what to add next. The second is an idea I've been doodling all week and finally put it on a panel.
Wow Caffeine! If I were a Male toolbox, and 'crickets' toolbox was female . . . I'd definitly tap that ass. friggin nice!
Ok just finished this.......if anyone wants it it will be for sale as soon as I pinstriped the back and what not.
Cool to see you back from hospital, Joel ! I will be back in Chicago in april, like 2 years ago, for maybe some hamburgers at the Superdawg
Etienne, I'm glad to hear that. I will be looking forward to your visit. 2 dawgs with everythang and a cherry coke are on me. Joel
Yeah good to see you back P Pan, still to send your get well care package, this week hopefully Geoff aka Whodaky