more pics. from the most spectacular race action of the weekend. driver and co-driver ok, nobody got hurt! we all needed a few beers after that. crazy!
Great pictures dogwern, I'll continue with the Lifter story later , I am waiting on some pictures . I guess the Hamb guys are wondering how our sister club got started in Germany, here the story, Our fellow club member Stephan Rabenslag was born in Bremen Germany, there was a custom car culture there already, but he always dreamed of coming out to So. Cal. to were the scene was born, he flew out to visit his aunt on the east cost, and then made the decision to come out to southern california, He loved it. he ended up moving out here and quickly made friends with guys in the San Diego scene. He later joined our club, and would always talk aboat his car buddies in Germany. One day he mentioned that his friend Tony, wanted to start a club with some of Stephans mutual friends, and asked us if we would give them permision to start a Lifter's chapter in Germany, we gave the ok and the rest is history. Germany now enjoys a healthy traditional hot rod scene and is growing every day, there are now satelite clubs from the Aces, Rumblers, and Road devils. My close friend Bob Hill (aces 52) , has gone out several times to the German Shows, I have asked him to post some pictures of the German Aces, and some of the shows he has gone to, can't wait to see them.
Stephan told me that the guys that rolled just flipped their cars on wheels again and kept driving. I am glad that no body was hurt, the problem was that the center of gravity is very high on a stock model "A", hence making it very easy to roll, thats why early circle track racers started to lower their suspensions, so they could minimize the risk of roll overs.
Like our Friends in the LIFTERS we also have some Boys over seas in the ACEScc Europe Chapter about 30 Members
It's so cool to have our clubs spanning the seas. Future shows and events will continue to grow with visitors from farther and farther away. Small world …big family!
Thanks again Bob, please post some more, we should send Bad Bob over there, he would be snapping pictures of all the frawlines, I hope I spelled that right.
Its nice to see some Frinds (espacially Flaty-Uwe from the ACES of my Homtown Bremen) in the HAMB.We are Friends here,we are Friends there....thats nice... Jenz LIFTERS C.C.
I know Im late but I want to say thank you to all the guys who are posting on this board. Its nice to see that more and more rodder get to know each other well. We met Shifters in Spain and other famous guys in Bottrop, Germany. Rumblers and Aces everywhere Look at this small town in the north of Germany called Bremen. Miguel, maby you will remember this city because of Stefan Rabenschlag and Buco. But there is more 3 Aces members are living near to our home. Jens, me and my wife used to live in an old gasoline station (1935) together. Buco is only 20 min. away. We meet each other very often to celebrate birthdays or only just the weekend The same in Berlin. If they do something special, there will be other clubs joining it. What I want to say is that everybody has an open mind and thats great! People like you all are the best reasons to travel to the U.S.A. We talk a lot about this. Its just a question of time and money like everywhere. I hope we can shake hands in the future from person to person! Thanks again Billy - Lifter CC Bremen, Germany
Wow, knocked out with the cool pix from the meet at the airport, what a hip scene. A treat to see our German brothers and sisters gettin down with the rods, customs, and very nice bikes. Regrets for the loss of the fallen brother. R.I. P. fellow rodder. The rockabilly cats gettin down is a uber cool shot, the Kiaser Frazer dealer sign is rare as can be. Rock on my friends, a picture of my South Omaha Turds, road hauler support vehicle. Peace and Love, ~sololobo~
Some Road Devils Europe CC Pictures. Ollis 32 Kreuzritter Matzes Bomb Tinos Cadillac Thoms Graham Stu's 5 Window Deniz Lincoln Silvano's Bird Simons modified Roadster More to come...or check out: