You guys gotta see this movie. It's full of awesome lines like the title of this post. It kicks total ass. And there are some cool rides in it (just to make this post slightly on topic)
Has anyone seen this movie yet? Cool cars, hot chicks, evil villains, car chases and fight scenes...what more could you ask for.
I saw it last night, HOLY SHIT!!! Its now my favorite movie ever. I loved the cars, the guns, the story, the girls, the color symbolism, the black and white. it RULES!
awesome movie. some yuppies walked out when we were there, they were mad about the guy getting shot in the church apparently.
There comes a time when a man has to prove to his freinds that he's worth a shit...and sometimes that means killing a whole lot of people.
Saw it Sunday night... fucking awesome!!! My new favorite movie... Even threw a right hand drive car in there for you Limeys..
Me and the wife saw it sunday night, she threw up a little in her mouth in the middle of it, and couldn't eat for awhile afterwards. She was disturbed that she enjoyed all the extreme violence..... I loved it, but I've always been strangly desensitized about violence. It was an awesome movie, gorgeous to look at and lots of catchy lines. Don't go if your not into seeing LOTS of gory shit though, there were 4 castrations just to give you an idea of what it's like. Elijah Wood was creepy as hell.......
i know this was all filmed on a green screen and the scenes added digitally. but I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how they did the car scenes then, with everything moving so realistically. I hope the crashes were done digitally too so the cars didn't get trashed!
Is there really anything else any more fun in life than those things? Hell, that's why I bother to get up in the morning at all.
Yeah Elijah Wood was REALLY creepy... and what happened to him... HOLY CRAP... I thought Mickey Rourke did an awesome job.. his character was my favorite by far.
i like how they made the yellow dude, etc....that brought a comic book feel to it that turned most people i think i was watching it in the theatre with off....but they just didnt get it. the movie was like reading a comic book or story board. i loved it.
that's one of the best movies I've seen in sometime. I mean it really felt like you were watching a comic book. The colors where perfect. The actors where awesome. The story was comic bookie and good enough for me. Cars kicked ass. Seeing Wood as a bad charecter was creepy as hell. And dude...I was not aware that the actress that played the parole officer was that freaking hot. DAMN!!!!!!!
I could not describe it better than this guy: As a graphic designer I especially appreciate his comments on the use of color. The movie is almost like a 2-color print job from the days of the little pages magazines (and of course Mag-neto!).
Thanks for the heads up, I can't wait to go see it now. It has a shit load of famous people in it. And that Mickey Rourke, man is he a freakshow now.........He actually doesn't have on as much make-up as you think.
the movie is based on some graphic novels. i forget the guys name. but i watched a special on it on tv last week. i forgot it came out this week! i love the use of black and white and color. its very comic booky (new word for the day) i saw that there is a sweet ass 59 cad in it. i think ill be going some time this week. now all summer at car shows your just going to hear one liners from the movie
Frank Miller'whos famous for writing for Batman,The Punisher and a few other comics did Sin City in graphic novels and comics for years before Robert Rodriguez director of El Miriachi,Desperato,and several other kick ass movies directed it Quintan Terintino co directed it as well i think,it def. had that comic book feel which was awesome.
The movie was awesome! Mickey Rourkes's story line was the best. What a cool movie. Although Jessica Alba was used for all the promo's, Rosario Dawson had a hell of a part. I also dug the "parole officer" when she was naked before getting killed off. Hubba hubba. This pic has a ton of cool lines. Joel
Frank Miller is a ruler. it looks like they made the movie look EXACTLY like the comics. He's always thrown older style rides into the stories. Looks like it's a combination of several off the storylines he wrote/drew. If you dig the movie, check out the printed works.