I am putting a 30 Ford coupe together on a deuce frame for a new track soon to be built here in Shelton WA. Yeah pretty cool for us here in the North West but I have bought a so called "IMSA" small block 355 from a fellow that had it built for a failed project of his. cast number on the block is 3970010 and I get that it says 350 4 bolt mains or maybe even 2 bolt. Heads have a cast number of 3973487 and they are 202's I have that too, but where I am getting lost is the stamp pad. It has 2 lines of numbers on the pad with the top line starting with K1107T4W and the bottom line having C91124540 , the only thing I can get is the K in the top line is meaning the engine is from Canada? What does the rest of everthing mean? Thanks a heap, Rick
I had a thought of it being a replacement but I have never seen one quite like this, I have seen some replacements that had a blank pad and the dealer restamps but I am sure to get "schooled" by an expert here...
I saved the mortec pages, just in case. sorry for the length. That's what she said. <HTML> <HEAD> <BASE HREF="http://www.mortec.com.wstub.archive.org/location.htm"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="This page shows photos of Chevy casting number locations for blocks and heads for big and small block V-8 engines."> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="casting number, assembly date code, engine assembly date code, suffix code, engine suffix code, block codes, head codes, Chevy big block casting numbers, chevy small block casting numbers, casting number locations, mortec, mortec inc., find casting numbers, casting numbers, block casting date, chevy interchanges, engine interchanges, chevrolet interchange, chevy casting number, chevy casting numbers, chevrolet casting numbers, head casting numbers, casting numbers, big block casting numbers, small block casting numbers, block casting numbers, head casting numbers, cylinder head casting numbers, chevy castings, big block, V-8 casting numbers, chevy V-8 casting numbers, chevy big block, small block, chevy small block, smallblock, big block, engine building"> <TITLE>Chevy V-8 Engine Block and Head Casting Number Locations</TITLE> </HEAD> <!-- last modified on April 29, 2007--> <!-- Copyright MorTec,Inc., 1998-2007--> <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#000000" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B" ALINK="#FF0000"> <script src="./pagepeelads/PagePeelAds.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <table width="780" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FF9900"> <tr> <td><CENTER><IMG SRC="image021.gif" ALT="Chevy Casting Number Locations" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=337></CENTER> <H1><CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+3>CHEVY V-8 CASTING NUMBER LOCATIONS</FONT></B></CENTER></H1> <CENTER><B>PAGE - 1</B></CENTER> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5695182774619448"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel = ""; google_color_border = "ff9900"; google_color_bg = "FF9900"; google_color_link = "0000ff"; google_color_text = "000000"; google_color_url = "000000"; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://web.archive.org/web/20080507040431js_/http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> <BR> <table width="760" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <script language="JavaScript" src="http://web.archive.org/web/20080507040431js_/http://lapi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?EKServer&ai=mzxv%7E%24*i%21%2B&bdrcolor=000000&cid=0&eksize=1&encode=UTF-8&endcolor=FF0000&endtime=n&fbgcolor=FFFFFF&fntcolor=000000&fs=0&hdrcolor=FF9900&hdrimage=1&hdrsrch=n&height=12&img=y&lnkcolor=0000FF&logo=2&num=10&numbid=n&paypal=n&popup=y&prvd=9&query=chevy+engine&r0=3&shipcost=n&siteid=0&sort=MetaEndSort&sortby=endtime&sortdir=asc&srchdesc=n&tbgcolor=FFFFFF&tlecolor=FFCE63&tlefs=0&tlfcolor=000000&toolid=10004&track=5335887353&width=350"></script> <br></td> <td valign="top"><B>We get a number of inquiries regarding casting numbers, engine build dates and engine assembly/suffix codes. Many folks want to know where to look for these Chevy engine casting numbers and codes on blocks and cylinder heads so we decided to put these pages with photos together to help you find them. Most are easy to find once you know where to look. There may be a great deal of grease and crud covering them that will have to be cleaned before you can read them. Also trying to read them while the motor is in a vehicle can also be harder, especially the block casting numbers and casting dates at the rear of the block. Hang in there, if you try, you can use a mirror and a little patience for the hard to see and reach areas. Some folks also use a piece of aluminum foil to make a rubbing of the numbers and dates on the rear ledge of the block. Others have used children's Playdoh to make an impression of the numbers.</B> <P><B>Keep in mind that some of the numbers or letters can be difficult to read. A "6" can look like an "8" or an "8" can look like a "3". A upper case letter "I" can look like the numeral "1" and visa versa. Some times part of the number may be missing. A "T" can have the top horizontal part of the letter missing making it look like the upper case letter "I" or a lower case letter "l".</B> <P><B>Remember that you have to look at ALL of the numbers, features and parts characteristics to figure out what it is you are looking at. A number of the casting dates refer only to the year of the decade so you will have to see which other features the part has to determine which decade it was made in. Some casting dates do have the year and the decade indicated, making it easier.</B> <P><B>We are always looking for new Chevy engine castings numbers. If you have some information you want to share with us and our visitors, send us an email with the data. Right now we are limiting our listings to Chevy V-8 blocks, cranks and heads. As new castings are released on late models keep your eyes open for the new numbers. Thanks!</B> <P> </td> </tr> </table> <CENTER><IMG SRC="rule03.gif"></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="diagram1.gif" ALT="Casting number and casting date locations" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=200></CENTER> <P><B>The diagram above shows where each of the casting identifiers is located on the engine. (1) shows the location of the HEAD CASTING NUMBERS and the HEAD CASTING DATE located under the valve covers, in the rocker arm valley. (2) shows the position of the BLOCK CASTING DATE on the rear ledge of the block near the bell housing mounting surface. If you have an early big block or a late model smallblock, the BLOCK CASTING DATE may be on the passenger side of the engine block, (see 2A), instead of the rear ledge of the block. Some smallblock blocks may also have the BLOCK CASTING DATE on the driver's side of the block. (3) indicates the position of the BLOCK CASTING NUMBER. Later blocks may also have the size of the engine displacement in liters listed at (3). (4) indicates the position of the ENGINE ASSEMBLY DATE/SUFFIX CODE and partial VIN code information on the front of the block. (5) on the rear flange of the block, on the drivers side near the oil filter pad, is an alternate block location for some VIN codes. (6) indicates the sides of the block where some blocks may have the size of the motor indicated in cubic inches or in liters. The last three numbers of the block casting number may also be repeated in this location.</B> <P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="rule03.gif"></CENTER> <H2><CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+3>CHEVY V-8 BLOCK CASTING NUMBER LOCATIONS</FONT></B></CENTER></H2> <CENTER><IMG SRC="rule03.gif"></CENTER> <P><B>There are three block casting number types to look for: the block CASTING NUMBER, the block CASTING DATE and the ENGINE ASSEMBLY DATE/SUFFIX CODE.</B> <P> <DL><B>BLOCK CASTING NUMBER</B></DL> <P> <B>The block casting number on smallblock and big block Chevy V-8 motors is located on a ledge found at the rear of the block, most often on the driver's side. This ledge is below the deck of the block and the ledge forms the mating surface between the block and the transmission bellhousing. Some of the later model blocks have the casting number on the passenger side of this ledge. The number itself can have 6, 7 or 8 numeral digits. They might look like this "361959" or "3970010" or "14015445". The block casting numbers do not have any letters in them. There are sometimes individual letters found on blocks like "GM" or "CFD" for the Central Foundry Division, but they are not part of the block casting number. Also some of the later blocks have the size of the motor shown in liters. You may see a "5.0" (305) or "5.7" (350) cast on the rear ledge of a smallblock or a "7.4" on the side of a big block 454. On the side of some later blocks the last three digits of the block casting number are cast into the block, but these are difficult to see when the engine is in a vehicle.</B> <P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="cast2.gif" ALT="Block casting number" HEIGHT=218 WIDTH=294> <IMG SRC="cast13.gif" ALT="Block casting number" HEIGHT=218 WIDTH=294></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="cast17.gif" ALT="Block casting number & casting date" HEIGHT=218 WIDTH=294> <IMG SRC="cast14.gif" ALT="Block size in liters" HEIGHT=218 WIDTH=294></CENTER> <DL><B>BLOCK CASTING DATE</B></DL> <P><B>The block casting date indicates when the block itself was cast in the foundry. This date does not indicate when the motor was assembled and then later placed into the vehicle at the factory. The block casting date is usually found on the rear ledge of the block on the passenger side, but some later model blocks have the casting date on the driver's side of the rear ledge. Some of the early big blocks made in the Sixties have the block casting date located on the passenger side of the block near the freeze plug holes. On these, if the early big block is in the car you will have to get under the motor to see the casting date. Do it while the car is on a lift. The casting dates look something like this "E 12 7". The "E" stands for the month of the year with "A" being the month of January, "B" being the month of February and so on thru the letters to December. In this case the "E" stands for the month of May, the fifth month of the year and the fifth letter of the alphabet. The "12" stands for the 12th day of the month. The "7" is the year of the decade. Now unfortunately this could be '57, '67, '77, '87 or '97 depending on which part you are looking at. Some casting dates have both the year of the decade and the decade itself. They look like this "E 12 77", meaning May 12, 1977. The fun starts when you have a casting date from the first nine days of the month that look like this "D 2 6". Does that stand for April 2,1966 or does it stand for April 26th and the year is missing or hard to see? You have to look closely and carefully to be sure.</B> <P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="cast3.gif" ALT="Block Casting Date" HEIGHT=249 WIDTH=259> <IMG SRC="cast7.gif" ALT="Block Casting Date" HEIGHT=249 WIDTH=259></CENTER> <BR> <CENTER><A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/locatpg2.htm"><IMG SRC="chrome02.gif" ALT="GO TO NEXT PAGE" BORDER=0></A></CENTER> <CENTER><B>GO TO NEXT "CASTING NUMBER LOCATIONS" PAGE</B></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="rule03.gif"></CENTER> <P><B>Don't forget to BOOKMARK this page or add it to your "FAVORITE" pages. Feel free to add this page to your links page.</B> <BR> <BR> <CENTER><IMG SRC="rule03.gif"></CENTER> <BR> <BR> <HR SIZE=6 WIDTH="100%"> <B>CHEVY V-8 CASTING NUMBERS</B><br><br> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/sfam2.html"><B>GM/PERFORMANCE PARTS</A><br><br> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/sfampage.htm"><B>V-8 CRATE MOTORS FOR SALE</A><br><br> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/borstrok.htm"><B>CHEVY V-8 BORE AND STROKE LIST</A><br><br> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/carbs.htm"><B>HOLLEY CARB INFORMATION</A><br><br> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/carbtip1.htm"><B>HOLLEY TUNING TIPS</A><br><br> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/notepg1.htm"><B>CHEVY V-8 NOTES</A><br><br> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/cranks.htm"><B>CHEVY V-8 CRANKSHAFT CASTING NUMBER LIST</A><br><br> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com/journal.htm"><B>CHEVY V-8 CRANKSHAFT JOURNAL SIZES</A><br><br> HOT LINKS<br><br> <a href="http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?type=3&campid=5335887353&toolid=10001&customid=&ext=chevy+engine&satitle=chevy+engine"><strong>CHEVY ENGINES AND PARTS ON EBAY</strong></a> <br> <CENTER> <ADDRESS> <A HREF="mailto:email1@mortec.com"> email1@mortec.com </A><IMG SRC="mailbox.gif" ALT="email MorTec" ></ADDRESS></CENTER> <A HREF="http://www.mortec.com"><IMG SRC="starburs.gif" ALT="MorTec Home" HEIGHT=50 WIDTH=50 BORDER=0></A> <BR> <CENTER> <B><FONT SIZE=+1>Copyright, 1998-2007, MorTec</FONT></B> </CENTER> <CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+1>All rights reserved. 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<HTML> <HEAD> <BASE HREF="http://www.mortec.com.wstub.archive.org/castnum.htm"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="MorTec"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="This page lists Chevy casting numbers for blocks and heads for small block V-8 engines."> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="casting number, bowtie, Chevrolet, heads, mortec, blocks, camel hump, angle plug, gen.I, gen.II, gen.III, vortec, mortec inc, chevy casting number, head casting numbers, casting numbers, small block casting numbers, block casting numbers, head casting numbers, chevy castings, chevy V-8 casting numbers, mouse motor, chevy casting numbers, small block, chevy small block, smallblock, bigblock, chevy casting numbers, sbc, bbc, goodwrench, 18 degree, sb2 2, symmetrical port, lt1, lt4, lt5, ls1, pontiac, buick, zr1, sb2, 262, 265, 267, 305, 307, 302, 327, 350, 400, 383, 377, 283"> <TITLE>MorTec, Inc. Chevy Smallblock V-8 Casting Numbers List</TITLE> </HEAD> <!--written or last modified on April 21, 2007--> <!--Copyright, MorTec, 1998-2007--> <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#000000" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B" ALINK="#FF0000"> <script src="./pagepeelads/PagePeelAds.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <table width="780" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FF9900"> <tr><td><CENTER> <B>GO TO BIG BLOCK V-8 CASTING NUMBERS </B> <B>GO TO CHEVY 348-409 V-8 CASTING NUMBERS</B> </CENTER> <BR> <BR> <CENTER><IMG SRC="image021.gif" ALT="MorTec Mouse Motor, Smallblock V-8 Chevy Casting Numbers List" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=337></CENTER> <BR> <CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+4>CHEVY V-8 CASTING NUMBERS</FONT></B></CENTER> <center> <B><FONT SIZE=+2>SMALL BLOCK CHEVY V8 CASTING NUMBERS</FONT></B> </center> <br> <center><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5695182774619448"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; 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to locate your casting numbers, casting dates and suffix codes: www.mortec.com/location.htm and www.mortec.com/locatpg2.htm. </B> <BR><br> <B><FONT SIZE=+2>SBC BLOCKS</FONT></B> <BR> <PRE> <B>CASTING#.....SIZE...YEAR...MAIN CAP BOLTS....NOTES</B> <BR> <B>140029.....350...80-84...2 330817.....400...72-80...2 355909.....262.....75....2 355909.....305...76-79...2 360851.....262...75-76...2...Monza V-8 361979.....305...77-79...2 or 4, some Canadian assembled heavy duty blocks have 4-bolt main caps 366245.....350...78-79...4...Bowtie 366286...................4...Bowtie, siamesed, straight nodular iron main caps, 2-piece seal, 4.00-4.150" bores, 2.45" main journals 366298...................4...Bowtie, Aluminum, billet main caps, 3.398" bore with sleeves, two piece rear main seal. 366299...................4...Bowtie, Aluminum, nodular iron splayed caps, wet sump, 4.00" bore 389257.....302.....67....2 393288.....283...65-67...2 460703.....350.....78....4 460776.....305...78-79...2 460777.....305...78-79...2 460778.....305...78-79...2 or 4, some Canadian assembled heavy duty truck blocks have 4-bolt main caps 471511.....267...79-82...2 3556519....283...58-61...2 3703524....265.....55....2...No oil filter 3720991....265...56-57...2 3731548....265...57......2...No side motor mounts 3731548....283...57......2...No side motor mounts 3737739....283...58-64...2 3756519....283...58-62...2 3782870....327...62-67...2 3789817....283...62-64...2 3789817....327...62-67...2 3789935....283...61-64...2 3790721....283...62-64...2...Chevy II recessed oil filter boss 3790721....327...65-66...2...Chevy II recessed oil filter boss 3791362....327...62-67...2...Chevy II recessed oil filter boss 3792563....327.....65....2 3792582....283...64-65...2 3794226....283...58-63...2 3794460....327...62-64...2 3830944....327.....63....2 3834810....283...64-66...2 3834812....283...62-63...2 3837739....283...58-62...2 3849852....283...57-66...2 3849935....283...65-67...2 3858174....327...64-67...2 3858180....327...64-67...2 3858618....350...68-76...2 3862194....283...65-67...2...Chevy II recessed oil filter boss 3862812....283...62-64...2 3892657....302.....67....2...Z-28 Camaro 3892657....327.....67....2 3892657....350.....67....2...Camaro 3896944....283...66-67...2 3896948....283...66-67...2 3903352....327.....67....2 3914636....307.....68....2 3914638....307.....68....2 3914653....307...68-73...2 3914660....327.....68....2 3914678....302.....68....2...Z-28 Camaro 3914678....327.....68....2 3914678....350.....68....2 3931174....307.....68....2...Truck 3932371....307...69-73...2 3932373....307...68-73...2 3932386....302.....69....4...Z-28 Camaro 3932386....327.....69....2 3932386....350.....69....2 or 4 3932388....327.....69....2 3932388....350.....69....2 or 4 3933180....327...68-69...2 3951509....400...70-71...4 3951509....400...74-80...2 3951511....400...70-73...4...Some replacement blocks had 2-bolt main caps 3956618....302.....69....4...Z-28 Camaro 3956618....327...68-69...2 3956618....350.....69....2 or 4 3956632....307.....69....2 3959512....327...62-67...2...Was also used for some "CE" replacement blocks 3959532....283...64......2...Used for some "CE" replacement blocks 3959538....327...........2...Chevy II recessed oil filter boss, Used for some Chevy II "CE" replacement blocks 3970010....302.....69....4...Z-28 Camaro 3970010....327.....69....2...Trucks and industrial 3970010....350...69-80...2 or 4 3970014....350...70-76...2 or 4 3970020....307...69-73...2 3970024....307...69-73...2 4715111....305.....80....2 6259425....350...69-76...2 10036033...350...........4...Goodwrench crate motor, 2-piece rear seal, "Hecho en Mexico" 10046164...305.....86....2 10049804.................4...Aluminum, Pontiac Super Duty version of Gen.I SBC, 4.00" bore, <br> 350 mains, 2-piece rear seal, splayed caps, GTP race block 10051182.................2 or 4...Bowtie, 3.75"-4.30" bores, 1 or 2-piece rear seal 10051184.................4...Bowtie, 4.00"-4.155" bores, 1 or 2-piece rear seal 10054727...350...86-up...2 or 4...one piece rear seal, some "Made in Canada" 10066036...350...........2 or 4...Target Master/Goodwrench crate motor, 2-piece rear seal, "Hecho en Mexico" 10066038...350.....92....4...Goodwrench crate motor, 2-piece rear seal, "Hecho en Mexico" 10090511...350.....90....2...LT-5, ZR1 Vette, 375hp 10125327...350...92-up...2 or 4...Gen.II LT-1, reverse flow cooling 10125327...350...96-up...2 or 4...Gen.II LT-4, reverse flow cooling 10134398.................4...Bowtie, Aluminum, 4.125" bore, 2.65" main journals 10134996.................4...Bowtie, Aluminum, 4.125" bore 2.65" main journals 10153558...350...91-92...4...LT-5, ZR1 Vette, 375hp 10168588...265...94-96...2...L99, Gen.II, 4.3 Liter V-8, Caprice, reverse flow cooling 10199001...350...93-95...4...LT-5, ZR1 Vette, 405hp 10243878...305...96-98...2...Vortec truck, roller cam, one-piece rear seal 10243880...350...95-00...2 or 4...Vortec truck, Gen.I crate motors and "ZZ4", roller cam, one piece rear seal 12550592...350...97-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum 12551358.........99-up...Gen.III, 4.8L or 5.3L, cast iron, truck 12551364...364...98-04...crossbolted cast iron Gen. III, 6.0L, truck 12559378...350...99-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum 12559846...350...98-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum 12560621...350...98-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum 12560626...350...99-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum 12560629...350...99......crossbolted block, Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum 12561168...350...01-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum 12562174...350...98-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum 12568952...364...05-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, 6.0L, aluminum, LS2 12566910...325...04-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, 5.3L, aluminum, SSR truck 12571048...325...04-up...crossbolted block, Gen.III, 5.3L 12573581...364...98-04...crossbolted cast iron, Gen.III, 6.0L, truck 12577184...364...98-04...crossbolted cast iron, Gen.III, 6.0L, truck 12577396.........02-up...Gen.III, 4.8L or 5.3L, cast iron, truck 14010201...305...80-85...2 14010202...305...80-85...2 14010203...305...80-85...2 14010207...350...80-85...2 or 4 14010209...350...80-85...2 or 4 14010280...267...79-82...2 14011064...350...83......4 14011148...350...87-89.......Roller cam, one-piece rear seal 14016376...267...79-82...2 14016379...350...77-79...2 or 4 14016381...305...80-84...2 14016382...305...79-84...2 14016383...305...80-85...2...Truck 14079287...350...86-90.......Truck 14088526...350...87-89.......Roller cam, one-piece rear seal 14088548...350...86-88...2 or 4 14088551...305...86-87...2...one-piece rear main seal 14093627...305...87-94...2...Roller or flat tappet cam, one-piece rear seal 14093638...350...87-95...2 or 4...Roller or flat tappet cam, one-piece rear seal 14094766...305...86-up...2...One-piece rear seal 14101147...305...85-up...2 14101148...350...86-90...4...One-piece rear seal 14102058...305...87-91...2...Roller cam, one-piece rear seal 22551656.................4...Chevy/Olds Rocket block, 4.00"-4.190" bores, 2.45" main <lb> journal sizes, splayed caps, dry sump, <lb> 2-piece rear seal, 9.025" deck 22551660.................4...Chevy/Olds Rocket block, 4.00"-4.190" bores, 400 mains <lb> journal sizes, splayed steel caps, wet sump, raised cam <lb> 2-piece rear seal, 9.300" deck </B></PRE> <BR> <CENTER><DL><IMG SRC="bullet5.gif"><B>GO TO BIG BLOCK V-8 CASTING NUMBERS</B></DL></CENTER> <CENTER><DL><IMG SRC="bullet5.gif"><B>GO TO CHEVY 348-409 V-8 CASTING NUMBERS</B></DL></CENTER> <BR> <B><FONT SIZE=+2>SBC HEADS</FONT></B> <BR><BR><B>If you don't know where to look on your engine for all of the casting numbers, casting dates and suffix codes, see our pages at www.mortec.com/location.htm and www.mortec.com/locatpg2.htm.</B> <BR> <BR> <PRE> <B>330545.....73......350..........76cc chamber, 2.02/1.60 333881.....74-75...350..........76cc chamber, 2.02/1.60 333882.....74-80...350/400......76cc chambers 340292.....70's.......Over the counter, angle plug, 64cc chamber 354434.....75-79...262/267/305...60cc chambers 358741.....76-79...305 376445.....77-85...350..........76cc chamber, small valves 376450.....75-81...262/267/305..6 or 7 exhaust bolt holes, 60cc chamber 462614.....77-79...305..........60cc chamber 462624.....75-86...350/400......76cc chamber, 1.72/1.5, 1.94/1.5 or 2.02/1.6 valves 458642.....75-84...350..........350 468642.....76-up...350/400 471513.....79......267/350 517513.....79......267/350 1816887....63......283..........Made in "Canada", GMC HD truck 3636839....55......265 3703523....55......265 3713358....55-56...265 3713569....55-56...265 3725306....56......265 3731539....57......283..........283 HP FI 3731544....57-61...283 3731554....57-62...283 3731556....57......283..........Truck, Made in Canada 3731762....56......265..........Vette, 2x4 carbs 3737775....62-67...283/327 3740997....57......283..........1x4, 2x4 & FI (exc.-283hp) 3743056....58......283 3743096....62-67...327..........GMC Truck 3747363....57-61...283 3747460....59-67...283/327......70cc chambers 3748770....58......283 3748772....58-61...283 3755537....57-62...283 3755539....58-62...283 3755549....57-62...283 3755550....59......283 3755585....62-67...327..........GMC Truck 3767460....59-60...283 3767462....62-67...327 3767465....59-61...283 3767754....59-61...283..........60cc chambers 3767792....60-64...283 3774682....60-64...283/327......70cc chambers 3774684....62-64...327..........75cc chambers 3774692....58-64...283..........60cc chambers 3782461....64-66...327......Camel hump,no accessory holes,160/62cc port volumes,62cc chamber 3782461X...60-63...283/327..Camel hump,no accessory holes,larger 172/64cc port volumes, 62cc chamber 3795896....63-65...283......60cc chamber 3795896....62-64...327......60cc chamber 3798996....63-67...327 3814480....60-67...283/327..70cc chambers, 1.72/1.5 valves 3814482....62-67...283/327/350..75cc chambers 3817680....63-67...283/327 3817681....62-67...327 3817682....61-62...283 3836839....55......265 3836842....57-67...283/327 3837064....56-62...265/283 3837065....55-56...265..........Truck 3848720....57-58...283 3876775....60-67...283/327......75cc chamber 3884520....60-67...283..........Some marked "Made in Canada", 60cc chamber, also used by Studebaker 3884520....62-67...327..........Some marked "Made in Canada", 60cc chamber, also used by Studebaker 3890462....66-67...302/327/350..Camel hump,no accessory holes,64cc chamber 3901068....87-up...350..........Crate motor, 285hp, 64cc chamber 3911032....68......307/327......70cc chamber 3912264....58-62...283 3912265....63-64...283 3912311....65-67...327 3912313....65-67...327 3917290....67-68...307/327 3917291....67-68...302/327/350..Camel hump,no accessory holes,64cc chamber 3917292....68......327/350......Camel hump,64cc chamber 3917293....67-68...307/327......75cc chambers 3927185....69-76...307/327/350..70cc chambers 3927186....69-70...302/350......Camel hump,64cc chambers,accessory holes 3927187....69-70...350..........Camel hump,64cc chambers,accessory holes 3927188....69......327..........74cc chambers 3927188....70......307..........74cc chambers 3931633....68-73...307 3931635....68-76...350 3931638....68......327..........Truck 3932441....69-70...350..........76cc chambers 3932441X...69-70...350/400......80cc chambers 3932454....69-73...307 3932454....69-79...350..........Truck 3946812....69......350 3946813....69-79...350..........Truck 3947040....68......327.........."Right angle" casting identifier, 64cc chambers, good HP head, used in trucks, no accessory holes 3947041....69-70...302/350......"Right angle" casting identifier, 64cc chamber, accessory holes, good HP head 3947041X...69-70...302/350......"Right angle" casting identifier, 64cc chamber, 165cc intake port, accessory holes, good HP head 3951598....70......400..........76cc chambers 3964286............350 3965742....70......350..........over the counter, angle plug 3970126....67-71...327/350 3973370....69-70...350..........over the counter in US, Canadian 350/300hp production use in Pontiac, 64cc, straight or angle plug 3973414....70......350..........LT1-350/370hp, Camel hump, 64cc chamber 3973487....71-72...350..........1.94/1.5 or 2.02/1.6 valves, was also used on '71 350/330hp LT1, 75cc chamber 3973487X...71-72...350..........1.94/1.5 or 2.02/1.6 valves, 75cc chamber 3973493....71-72...400..........76cc chamber 3986316....71......350..........76cc chamber 3986336....71......350..........76cc chamber 3986336X...71......350..........76cc chamber 3986339....71......307/350......74cc chamber 3986339X...71......307/350......74cc chamber 3986388....68-76...307/350 3991492....70......350..........LT1,Camel hump,accessory holes,64cc, straight plug 3991492....70-up................over the counter,Camel hump,64cc, straight or angle plug 3998916....72......350..........also used w/'72 350 LT1, big valves, screw in studs, 76cc chambers 3998920....72-73...350 3998991....72-73...307/350......75cc chambers 3998993....72-73...307/350......75cc chambers 3998993....current..350.........Goodwrench crate motors,"Hecho en Mexico", 75cc chambers 3998997....72-73...350/400......76cc chambers 3998997....78-84...305/350......76cc chambers 4079261....75......350 10033867........................Aluminum,over the counter Pontiac 23' head,62cc,angle plug, 196cc intake port 10045434........................Over the counter Pontiac 15' head 55cc, angle plug, raised runner aluminum, "roll over" head 10051101........................Bowtie, aluminum, 55cc, angle plug raised runner, 196cc intake port 10065202...87-95...350..........Truck 10065203...87-95...350..........Truck 10065204...87-95...350 10065205...87-95...305 10065206...87-95...350 10065207...87-95...305 10088113...88-up...350..........Aluminum, 58cc, angle plug, raised "D" port exhaust, 1.94"/1.5" valves 10093328........................Over the counter, Pontiac 15' head aluminum,224cc ports, 61cc chambers, "roll over" head 10106178...90......350..........LT5, ZR1, DOHC, 32-valve, pass. side, aluminum 10106179...90......350..........LT5, ZR1, DOHC, 32-valve, drvs. side, aluminum 10110810...91-up...350..........Gen. 1, 65cc chambers 10120928...87-95...350 10125320...94-96...350..........Gen.II LT1, cast iron version, used on "9C1" Police package, Impala SS, Cadillac Fleetwood, Buick Roadmaster reverse flow cooling 10128374...92-up...350..........Gen.II LT1, 53cc, angle plug, aluminum, reverse flow cooling, 175/68cc ports 10134352........................Bowtie, 45cc, angle plug, "low" port, 223cc intake port, aluminum, 18' race head 10134363........................NOTE: This casting # has been used in many different versions of this aluminum 18' and 15' Bowtie race head. Different chamber volumes, port volumes, port locations, valve sizes, etc. were used. Check this casting carefully to determine which features it may have. There are at least 6 different versions as of 11/99. 10147898...95-98...350..........Gen.I crate motor 10159550...87-95...350 10159551...87-95...305 10159552...87-95...350 10159553...87-95...305 10174389...91-94...350..........LT5, ZR1, DOHC, 32-valve, drvs. side, aluminum 10174390...91-95...350..........LT5, ZR1, DOHC, 32-valve, pass. side, aluminum 10185040........................Bowtie, aluminum, 45cc chambers, 1st version, symmetrical ports, 263cc intake ports, splayed valves 10185040........................Bowtie, aluminum, 45cc chambers, 2nd version, symmetrical ports, 240cc intake ports, splayed valves 10205245...93......350..........Gen.II LT1, aluminum, reverse flow cooling, 175/68cc port volumes 10207643...94-96...350..........Gen.II LT1, aluminum, reverse flow cooling, 175/68cc port volumes 10208890...94-96...265..........Gen.II, L99, 4.3 Liter V-8, cast iron, reverse flow 10215339...97......350..........Gen.III, LS1, aluminum, 68cc 10225121...94-95...350..........LT5, ZR1, DOHC, 32-valve, drvs. side, aluminum 10225122...95......350..........LT5, ZR1, DOHC, 32-valve, pass. side, aluminum 10239902...96-up...350..........Gen.II LT4, aluminum, reverse flow cooling, 195cc port, 54.4cc chamber, angle plug 10239906...96-up...350.........."Vortec 5700", "L31", 64cc chamber, 170cc intake port, 1.94"/1.5" valves 12367712...99-up................"Fast Burn", aluminum, 210cc intake, port, 2.00/1.55 valves, 62cc chamber 12367713...99-up................"Fast Burn" used on ZZ430 crate motor, aluminum, 210cc intake port, 2.00/1.55 valves, 62cc chamber 12480005...2000.................LS1 "GTZ", aluminum, 38cc, 2.125"/1.625" valves, angle plug 12480011...97-up................Bowtie "SB2.2", aluminum, 2nd version of "SB2", 48cc chambers, "mirror ports", revised valve angles & plug location 12506450...87-95...350 12509859...87-94...305 12516852...87-95...350 12529742...95-96...265..........Gen.II, "L99", cast iron 12551561...96......350..........Gen.II, "LT1", aluminum 12552520...97-up...305..........Vortec, truck 12554290...94-96...350..........Gen.II, "LT1", cast iron version, used on "9C1" Police package, Impala SS, Cadillac Fleetwood, Buick Roadmaster reverse flow cooling 12554291...95-96...265..........Gen.II, "L99", cast iron 12555690...96......350..........Gen.II, "LT4", aluminum 12556743...99......325..........Gen.III, 5.3L, aluminum, truck, van 12558059...97......305..........Vortec, truck, 1.84"/1.5" valves 12558062...98......350..........L31 Vortec, truck, 64cc chambers, 1.94/1.5, 170cc intake port 12558806...97-98...350..........Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum, 68cc 12559853...99-up...350..........Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum, 68cc 12559862...99-00................Gen.III, aluminum 4.8/5.3L 12559895...00-up...325..........Gen.III, aluminum, Vortec 5.3L 12561706...01-04................Gen.III, 5.3L, aluminum 12561873...99-01...364..........Gen.III, 71cc, iron 12562317...01-04...364..........Gen.III, 71cc, aluminum 12564241...00-up...350..........Gen.III, "LS1", aluminum, 68cc 12564243...01-up...350/364......Gen.III, "LS6", "LS2", aluminum 12572035...01-04...364..........Gen.III, 6.0L, aluminum, 71cc 14008856...79-81...267 14010201...82-85...305 14011034........................Bowtie, cast iron, 64cc chambers, 184cc port volume, angle plug, "Phase II" head 14011049........................Bowtie, aluminum, 55cc chambers, angle plug, 180cc ports, "Phase 6" 14011083...55-86...350..........Crate motor for years indicated. 285/300hp, 64cc chambers, 1.94"/1.5" valves 14014415...80-85...267/305 14014416...80-86...305..........1.84"/1.5" valves, 58cc chambers 14014440...80......305..........1.84"/1.5" valves 14019821...80-86...350 14019924...79-81...267 14019926...80-86...350 14010516...80-86...350 14020517...80......350 14020555...81......305 14020556...81......350 14022056...85......350 14022206...80......350 14022301...80-86...305 14022601...80-86...267/305......1.72"/1.5" or 1.84"/1.5" valves, 53cc chambers 14022801...80-86...305 14024816...........350..........76cc chambers, 1.94/1.5 valves, Gen.I crate motors 14034806...78-82...267 14034807...78-86...305 14034808...80-86...350 14034808...96-up...350..........76cc chambers, 1.94"/1.5" valves, Gen.I Goodwrench crate motors 14034810...80-86...350..........Truck 14034811...80-86...350..........Truck 14039121...81-86...305..........Truck 14039122...81-86...305..........Truck 14071114...80-86...350 14075381...80-86...350..........Truck 14079261...86......350 14085844...80-86...350..........Truck 14085963...86......350 14088526...........350..........Gen.II, LT1, aluminum 14089119...86-88...350 14094093...86-88...350 14096217...55-86...350..........Crate motor, 285hp/300hp, 64cc chambers, 72' or 90' center intake manifold bolt angles 14101081...87-95...305 14101083...87-up...350..........Gen.I, also used on crate motors, 285 or 300 hp, 64cc chambers, 72' center manifold bolt angles 14101128...86-87...350..........Aluminum, 58cc, angle plug 14102187...87-91...305..........1.84"/1.5" valves 14102191...87-up...350 14102193...87-up...305/350......1.94"/1.5" valves 22542525........................Dart/Olds/Chevy aluminum, 14'or 17' race head. 24502559...96-97................Bowtie, "SB2", 1st version, "mirror ports", aluminum, 196cc port, CNC version 280cc port, 38cc chamber 25500141........................Buick/Chevy aluminum, 10' race head, 42cc chambers, symmetrical ports, 235cc intake port volumes, 2.1"/1.625" valves 25534351C..04-up................Gen.I Bowtie, cast iron Vortec head, 175/65cc ports, 2.00/1.55 valves, "small port head" 25534371C..04-up................Gen.I Bowtie, cast iron Vortec head, 206/77cc ports, 2.00/1.55 valves, "large port head" 33417369...90-up...350..........Gen.I Goodwrench crate motor,"Hecho en Mexico", 76cc</B></PRE> <DL><IMG SRC="bullet5.gif"><B>GO TO BIG BLOCK V-8 CASTING NUMBERS</B></DL> <DL><IMG SRC="bullet5.gif"><B>GO TO CHEVY 348-409 V-8 CASTING NUMBERS</B></DL> <BR> <P><B>Don't 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The larger type stamping should be --- K1107T4W --- this is a GM production number which can be decoded on the internet ... The smaller type stamping --- C91124540 ---is an abbreviated VIN# of the vehicle that the engine was originally installed in.
K (St Catherines, Ont) 11 (Nov) 07 (day) T (usually came from a truck) 4 (?) W Are you sure the 7th digit is a (4) ???????