The Portland roadster show in coming up in mid march. They have a new expanded venue with rooms to fill...go to and enter your rod...
Thank God they've left the Convention Center! I hate going to that buidling! Expo is a way better place!
Although one or two roadsters are out-a-sight, 400 roadsters would be a bit...boring. No? My plain 'ol car will be there, all oiled up and shiny. I'll see if I can park it next to a roadster for ya.
So how many roadster shows are really "roadster shows". Is the GNRS really all roadsters? Come on, it's just a name, don't get all worked up about a name. Spent most the day there today, and saw a great variety of cars. Very nice exhibits!
And the man only has one of the best looking rods in the PNW. Gives the other guys a running chance at a trophy though. The plan has been revised. We are going Sunday. Have a deal going for a box with wheels that gets a lot better gas mileage than the GMC tomorrow right when we planned to be at the show. 10Mpg and 50 miles of driving a day is killing me.
Tried last year to get my dad to put both our 32 coupes in the show together but he was not interested so I sayed screw it,I dont care either. He sayed his was just a driver guess that makes mine a BOS.
OK, so I was there yesterday and today and didn't see Gene Winfield. Anyone know where his booth is? E-D- or whereabouts in those halls? I know he's not in that other old hall!
BORING??????? I guess thats why there's always over 600+ OPEN cars at LARS EVERY YEAR on Fathers Day.
Not "Worked up", just call it as it is.----I agree, GNRS should NOT be called that. More to the "real thing" is the annual LAR show, always 600+ open cars on Fathers Day.Bresides that, ALL entries are DRIVEN into the show!!!!!!!!!!
Not trying to get a rise out of ya Pop, just saying 400 (or 600) of any one thing is boring. Okay...boring to me. Aloha
heading over there in the morning... my 5 year old is laying beside me saying how excited she is about the show, and how she cant wait for the PIR swapmeet... (and im so damn jazzed that shes into hot rods and choppers.... until shes of dating age, that is ) my 1.5 year old is coming, too... gotta start 'em young
Just got back from the show, that Futurama Forty is a mind blower. Built by Donn Lowe. Wow. Found a thread from a couple of months ago about this car:
Thanks for showing the Photo Lamplighter. Don Lowe has built several fantastic cars over the years and that one is right up there with the best of the bunch.