Hi All,i am looking at buying a 62 chevy in North Carolina,seller says he has no title,I live in Canada and would be importing it here,my question is do all vehicles there need a title,or when they are so old they didnt have one to start with,I need to be prepared when i get to the border with it,not worried about registering it when i get home,as i have a used car dealers license,i can register it easy here,in my province we do not have titles,only registrations.I havent made a deal on this yet,the title issue scares me a bit?,I have heard that some states did not have titles for the old cars,Im hoping a bill of sale would do at the border.Any help or suggestions are welcome. Harvey
north carolina always has titles for cars no matter how old they are if he doesnt have one it could have been lost then he can file for a lost title it cant even be registered here without a title now days the vehcile will be inspected by the dmv to make sure it has the correct title and vin numbers.
Thanks for the reply,i havent actually spoken to the seller yet,so i am not sure what the title status is,lost missing or maybe hes trying to flip it with out paying the taxes?,I doubt it is stolen,i think the previous owner is deceased. Thanks Harvey
My '34 came from NC and had a "regular" title that required a notarized signature from the seller before it could be transferred to a new owner. That was 11 years ago. Jim
WRONG.. Have both bought and sold cars in NC with NO TITLE. Had to show NC the New York law in print and had to show them the CT law in print so they would reg in NC with NO title only a bill of sale. Lots of states wont title a 25 year or older car for any amount of cash. Great deals for us that know how to find the laws and show them to MVD. Bad if your selling a car to somebody that cant do there home work. Now canada? I sent a 39 buick up there no title but it was reg in my name on a trailer(he sent me back the plates in the mail).....he got it reg but i had no hand in it. Be interested to know how. Hell i sent a car to sweden with just a bill of sale and old reg.....