1949 chevy styleline. 216 3 speed column shift. now here's the problem on first start up the car starts up quick, idles fine and runs great, i drive it for a bit,(10 minutes or so) and it'll start to bog and then dies soon after. after that initial dying, it'll take a long time to start and when it finally fires it''ll drive about 10-15 feet and die again, and i have to repeat the same process. any ideas?
take a feel of the temp of your coil, if you can't keep you hand on it after your 10 to 15 minutes of running, it's probably on its way out. But it sounds like a fuel problem more than electrical, But is an easy test.
haven't had a chance to check the coil thing yet but will do! also i do not believe the gas cap is vented. its got an aftermarket type.
My vote is for the clogged fuel line. make sure your external filters are good and screw the line out of the carb and see if you get any junk there. When I was a kid I drove a 39 Chev for a couple years. Carrying wrenches to break the line apart and blow it out was standard fare, lol. Ron
Might be sediment in the gas tank. When it settles it is ok. After getting stirred up by driving tends to clog the fuel line. Then settles out again. Had a problem like that in the 1950's with an old Buick. Jerome