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All these weird anti-theft suggestions and products

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Foot Feed, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. Panelrodder
    Joined: Apr 5, 2008
    Posts: 24


    I like the invisible cloak or AIDS ideas. But then again, I've yet to actually drive my hunk to anything where I couldn't park in a protect area anyway.

    This might be more of an issue for me this year as I really begin to branch out. I like some of the ideas here though. It seems like short of hiring security, the best one can expect is to provide enough incentive for amateur to intermediate thieves to just walk away because of the hassle as a pro will find a way to take it no matter what. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what it seems like to everyone else?

    I'd probably vote for the boot, the well lighted and video monitored parking lot, or a combo of the two. (And a hidden master power cut off?)
  2. 48FordFanatic
    Joined: Feb 26, 2011
    Posts: 1,334

    from Maine

    Isn't noise the best thing to discourage a thief.
  3. Bryanhes
    Joined: Jan 22, 2011
    Posts: 97


    What ever happened to a loud shock sensor alarm? You breathe on it it's going off. Don't have the flashing light showing so they don't know it there. If they know there is an alarm they may be good enough to disarm it. Loud noises tend to scare thieves off.
  4. stevechaos13
    Joined: Sep 11, 2008
    Posts: 419


    Yep, and I was one of the 2 that wasn't shocked. My dad used to do repo's out there in the 70's and 80's. He also did a lot of theft recovery's out there. Cars that were stripped and dumped.
    After I posted my comment, a Haltom city resident sent me a PM asking me why I was talking trash about Haltom city. I wasn't. I was just stating what I remembered. But then again, we never lived there. Haltom city has a rep, but so does Oak Cliff, and that's where I currently live. Never had a problem....however, there are places that I do not go, and things I do not do. My garage stays locked, and when I'm not home my pit bull (no AIDS, sorry) is out there.
    Thing is that the poor dude that had his ride stolen isn't from Haltom city. He didn't know the place or that there was a chance that his car might be stolen. To all the folks that live out there, they know how it is.
    That's the thing about the caravans to shows and such in places that you don't live; you usually have no idea the hot spots for criminal activity, nor the safe zones. They're not always obvious.
    The ONLY theft deterrent that will actually work is vigilance. Obviously there are people out there that are targeting old cars for whatever reason. As has been mentioned, you can come up with whatever type of contraption you want, do this, do that, but if a theif really wants it, they'll get it.
    The hotel parking lot watches are the best idea so far IMHO. If I was going this year, I'd gladly be willing to do it, but I wouldn't want to do it alone. You can't stop a theif is they are bound and determined, but you can make the situation more difficult. A bunch of out of towners passed put in their hotel rooms make easy marks.
  5. terryr
    Joined: Feb 8, 2007
    Posts: 285

    from earth

    If they want your car they will get it. The best you can do is make it hard enough so they look elsewhere. But if they really want YOURS they will get it.

    Some sort of GPS device hidden somewhere would be best. They even put it in bank robbery loot. 2 women robbed a bank and found this strange thing in the bag, so they hid it in their car. Led the cops right to them. DUH!

    Even with it they can get inside a building and break it down into parts.
  6. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

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  8. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    hahahaa..i couldnt even spell "whoa" correct:eek:
  9. 1950ChevySuburban
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
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    from Tucson AZ

    I like what PorknBeaner alluded to. If they make you scared and nervous, they've already stolen your enjoyment. You've already been ripped off.
  10. Cymro
    Joined: Jul 1, 2008
    Posts: 756


    I remember reading about a guy here in the UK who owned a Ford Sierra Cosworth (OT but awesome car in the 80/90s) who had one stolen and replaced with another, his solution was an electric fence machine ( a transformer I guess) wired into the car alarm system and connected to the door handles, his downfall was when a nosey car park attendant claimed he had tried the door to see if it was locked, received an electric shock and called the cops. If it aint yours don't touch.
  11. As said here before, nothing will stop a crook if they really want it. Denver boot? HA HA. I had a nephew in college. They would "boot" his car after two unpaid parking tickets. Lets just say he opened my eyes of how easy they were to get off. (hint: sawzall)

    Best form, is some sort of hidden tracking devise, that is if your car is worth enough to incur sush cost. I lost alot of my parts and junk cars once scrap price went up and scrappers started stealing.
  12. c-10 simplex
    Joined: Aug 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,371

    c-10 simplex

    1) How many cars have you had stolen or know of that have gotten stolen with some sort of anti-theft device in use?

    2) How many cars have you had stolen or know of that have gotten stolen with NO anti-theft device in use?

    (i think you'll find the number in question 2 to be much, much higher.)

    i know that many may find this topic annoying, but think the real deal is that we aren't in the defensive/preemptive mode when it comes to security. We'll spend thousands of dollars on the engine/wheels etc. How much do you spend on security? We, as a society, then to be reactive rather than proactive----- 9/11 is a shining example.

    Think about it: You're driving around a high dollar "investment" (i know it's not an investment in strict economic terms, but i couldn't think of a better word.....). Should it not have some sort of protection against theft? These are rides with 10's possibly 20, 30 thousand put into them of, in most cases, after tax, not pre tax dollars.

    3) The whole, "If they want it bad enough, they'll get it" thing: i agree, yet disagree; i don't think any car can ever be theft-proof, however if you put effort into making it difficult and put good anti-theft measures in place, i think your chances of getting your car stolen are extremely low to nil.

    NOTE: i am not an expert of car security---far from it. But, the topic interests me to point where i feel this is as important as the engine or any other component on the car and i'm learning and that may make all the difference.

    Will comment on specific anti-theft measures later or in another post.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2011
  13. Smokey2
    Joined: Jan 11, 2011
    Posts: 919


    IF Some, Decides they're Gonna' Steal IT, Unless UR Sittin' on top ofit!!!!!! They Dam shur' gonna STEAL IT! SHAME!!, But A Freakin'
    F A C T !
    Bought a '36 Woodie once Tha one in Garlits
    Mue-zee-um..........Had triangular Wire Gage like device hangin' under dash, in center-top...
    from another heavier wire, was suspended fishin' LEAD WEIGHT, and hooked to gage was wire goinin ... to Horn! IF ! ......You stole it, Soon as you wire touched cage, made ground!......and Blewed tha' HORNS..................How'bout THEM APPLES ??

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