This weekend the snow has finally melted enough to do some work outside. My son Justis is 7 going on 15 and has been cooped up in the house all winter and has been going nuts! So today, I got him off of his PS3 to help Dad outside. We hauled off a couple trees that were blown over in a storm, a little yard work and a trip to the dump. We pulled the cover off the Corvair, cleaned er' off and it fired right up (well........after about 5 minutes of trying) Justis and I took it to the car wash where he did all of the work, we then took a ride up the lakeshore. People starring and pointing, and the occational thumbs up. I forgot how awesome it is....father / son time in the Corvair. I could tell he was having a blast like me. I can see the Corvair being a huge source of great father / son memories with him and I. It's something him and I share like nobody else.
I spent as much time as I could (which wasn't a whole lot because of work) with my two boys when they were young because I thought it might be important and, besides, being a big kid myself, it was fun. It turned out to be the best thing I've ever done in my life. Now they're 21 and 26, we're good friends and they are people I can and do respect. Every minute you can spend with the kids is a wise investment of time, looks like you did good.
I guess these are my fav. Daughter on the left in the center and right picture and in the far left pic is Danielle...... Santa is my son Darren, little one is Desiree... Danielle passed away 3/19/98..... Now my friends I will not say what I'm thinking or feeling but.... go hug your kid.... now! Pontiac Slim
Took the '41 out with the wife and my 16-year old son yesterday. The day was far too nice to just sit around, so off we went! So, it all went great...until I ran out of gas! Nice thing about having that happen close to home, was that I went and grabbed the crew cab and the trailer and hauled it back. THEN, put gas in it!
Here boy is 17 now and we have so many memories of working on cars and hangin' out in the garage. We have been into Hot Rods all his life but just recently got into VW Bugs because he is no longer able to look into the engine compartment on a regular car. He is currently designing his own Wheelchair Accessible F-1 Panel Hot Rod.
Sharing stuff with your kids just makes everything more special.Cherish every moment because they do go by quickly.
My father was never really into cars when he was growing up, but now that all of his kids are moved out of the house and he's retired, he's been looking for a way to stay connected with us, so I bought this project for a little father and sons time....
My boys are 1 and 3. I get them in the 54 every chance I get. Logan is the oldest, and he absolutely loves riding in it. We get up before Mom and little brother on Saturdays and cruise it through the bottoms, visit some of the older folks in the neighborhood, and so on. Before too long, I'll have both boys to tag along!
I forgot to mention he's pretty good shop help! Here he's wrenchin on the 235 on "his" 61 Suburban. (He swears it's his yellow truck!)
My dad (80) and I working on my coupe! He's still still going strong and has his own project as well . We've been working like this my whole life,tons of memories!
My two oldest boys climbin' around in the Merc while I was taking out the interior. Man I used to love doing this when I was their age. Guess that's why I still do it today.....
Well, do I ever envy all of you guys. At 48 yrs old and still single, I doubt I'll ever have any kids, despite the fact I adore kids. Thankfully my nephew, who intially showed me the HAMB, has been a big part of my life. His hot rod building skills surpassed mine long ago, so now I get to learn from him too. Now I'm seeing his Dad, my brother, getting into building a hot rod, which will be very rewarding. We just need to tone down his ideas of required horsepower, since his background has been building and tuning on Alcohol and Nitro funny cars and boats. Enjoy it, the young kids don't stay that way long.
My two helpers. My girl does not want to play any more but I think my son is hooked for life and is building his own 1950 Chevy now
My son and I working on my coupe....I'm a proud Papa!..Headed for Speedweek this year in it...just he and I, campin' at the bend.