Hello, My name is Bam, I live in Montgomery, AL, but I'm currently staying in Greenwood, LA taking care of my Daddy. I'm building a 56 Chevy Gasser right now. I'll be ready to cut the stock front end off early next week and start fabrication of straight axle set up. Using an axle off a 49 Chevy truck. Will have an album posted soon. I've been lurking for a while and look forward to meeting some great like minded people on here.
Greetings from california, its funny how most of us with the AD trucks want to get rid of the front leaf setup and u want to install it on your car when its already a perfectly good independent front suspension.
Welcome to the HAMB!!---BAM! By chance do you know where there might be an old 1932 Alabama license plate in readable condition???---Also a 1932 Louisiana plate?? Appreciate any info.---Thanks!
Welcome from your neighbor to the north in Huntsville.. I hope your dad has a speedy recovery.. Bobby..
Hello all, I used to live in Mobile, man I miss the coast!! Do u go to Cruzing the Coast? I've got 6 months to get my car ready!
Welcome to the big time,rootin,tootin custom world of the HAMB!If you are going to change the rear end out,give me a holla.I am looking for one to go in my 51 chevy. Roooollll Tiiiiiiide
welcome from Gautier, MS We have a new Gasser racers group to race in LA,MS,AL now. pm me if your interested I'll send you contact info.
Me at last years CTC, Love Cruisin the Coast! 6 mo. is plenty of time, I pulled mine apart a week prior, I won't make that mistake this year! Love your 56 gasser project, wish I was near I'd give you a hand looks like fun. When was the last time you made the CTC? It's finally back up to pre-Katrina numbers. Cruisin The Coast is like a secret, very few seem to have heard about it on here.
welcome from the new orleans area i have been to ctc every year rain or shine and have my reservations for this year already