Hey guys could use any info on this Hudson, Im working on getting it home but would like to know a little about it.
It seems factory the way the work is done but looks like a early custom. I know Hudson had a prototype truck like this but can't find any info.
Factory Hudson pick up truck. Hudson didn't sell a hell of a lot of vehicles and few of them were pick ups. They're not like super valuable, but I've all ways liked em. Make a nifty driver out of it and enjoy yourself. It'll be a conversation starter where ever you go in it. Good find.
Thanks I really have fallen in love with it. I did a search on hudson pickups and couldn't find one like this, they were more of a truck without a one pice body. I didn't find a old pic of one of these and it had very little info but did say that it was one of only 3 prototype trucks to ever leave Hudson, could I really be that lucky to have found one of those 3?
No, not so fast on the "factory" bit...Hudson built a grand total of TWO '48s for use at the factory. There was never one offered to the public. One is still known to exist, IIRC, and it is a restored car. The other one, I'm not positive if it is still around. There have been MANY owner-builds, and what you have is one of those. It is what Hudson SHOULD have built, but never did offer as a production model. The last production Hudson pickup was a 1947 model, and looks a LOT different than the Stepdown Hudson pictured.
What Patrick66 said. Not a factory job. I have seen quite a few of these homegrown Hudson trucks. Still really cool and a nice find.
Damn well can win them all, but still freaking sweet car. Would love to some how find who and when it was done up like this, they really did a great job.
I have seen five or six of these "step down truck" Hudsons. Most of them in about the same condition as this one. After seeing that many of em all done about the same, I just figured it was a factory deal. Hudson marched to the beat of a different drummer.
Hudson Trucks is an acquired taste ... for something a little bit different here's my '46 you might of seen it as a "push truck" at the Winternationals