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History Oklahoma City NSRA 2011

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Sullys garage, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. Quite a few cars out running around this afternoon (Friday), but we've had 40 mph winds with gusts to near 60 today. Saturday is supposed to be MUCH nicer with temps in the 70s and winds around 15 mph. I'll definitely be there with the '41, sporting its new painted steelies and chrome bullet caps and nuts! Got rid of those damn Western wheels, finally!
  2. Blown Mopar
    Joined: Oct 14, 2009
    Posts: 272

    Blown Mopar
    from abc

    Went there every year from '77 to '04. Always had a good time. One year when it was the actual nationals instead or a regional they gave away a '32 Ford high boy. My buddy brought his 40 coupe and his wife brought her '31 Plymouth. My wife drove her Maoel A sedan and I drove my coupe. Buddy sez this is the best chance we could have to win the car. We didn't. Couple of years later he won a pick up. Do they allow cruising on Meridian again? For a few years they stopped that. One year they had every 16 year old girl in daddy's station wagon and every 18 year old guy in his jacked uo pick up on Meridian. My nephew and I sat in my car about 3 blocks north of our Motel for 2 hours. We all had kind of a block party while we waited for the cops to get it moving again. Always a good run. And the open houses at places like Parr were really neat. Not making it back there for that anymore but it is a fun time.
  3. carl4675
    Joined: Mar 4, 2010
    Posts: 78

    from Conroe, TX

    I'm with WZ JUNK too.....I'll spend my money down the road....we need more Lonestar Roundups...


    I'm in love with a bitch I can't stand...........
  4. Yes, there still is cruising on Meridian, with plenty of the OKC cops there to prevent anything remotely resembling fun. Our city fathers frown on venues that they can't charge admission for or collect a tax on, so they ensure that fun is held to a minimum.
  5. Blown Mopar
    Joined: Oct 14, 2009
    Posts: 272

    Blown Mopar
    from abc

    Yeah that way acouple of times when I had a room on Meridian. To bad that was relly neat to cruise in the early years.
  6. It it does not have a tail and eat oats, the "city fathers" don't want it here. Spent more to tear down the oval dirt track than it would have cost to fix the lighting ... which was their excuse for eliminating the races.
  7. O/T, WKRMAN, would like to see your new scoop as I just got a new one from Randy at GoFastFiberglass as well. Patrick, can't wait to see your '41 with the new wheels!

    On topic, I was there cruising Meridian in '86 in my freshly home built T and we had a great time! Too bad it can't be more like Congress at the LSRU and the local gestapo to embrace the influx of cash at the motels and restraunts. Why does the NSRA not appeal to the local council and law enforcement for more of a working relationship with this event? Well, hope to see you out there today and this evening, drive safe.
    Joined: Jun 23, 2007
    Posts: 23

    from EDMOND,OK

    The Meridian cruise just isn't what it used to be. Back then it was packed bumper to bumper and took an hour or two just to get from one end to the other. Now days 10 min or less your done. It really sucks hardly any rods just kids.
  9. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    You're about 40 years late on this one John...IT HAS always been a business for's always been a for-profit business ever since the NSRA was started back in 1971...if you're just now finding that out, what rock you been hiding under...???

    Thank you for your concern about where I'll go , I'll attend NSRA, GoodGuy's and any other rod gathering I want...too bad you won't be there...!!!

  10. Fuck the NSRA Roger.
  11. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    Thank you for your thoughtful post, Tman...gotta say, you're never lacking for an intelligent comment...

  12. truckncoupe
    Joined: Apr 4, 2009
    Posts: 1,428


    I'll step back in my teenage days...Never forget the Street Rods in Tulsa in 73 and 76...made my mind up then I'd have a car one day.....Watching them go up and down Yale Avenue by the Fairgrounds was soooo cool...Is it just me or were those the good ole days...52 yrs old now and wishing the young guns will keep it going in the future! Happy Motoring!!!:D
  13. ken bogren
    Joined: Jul 6, 2010
    Posts: 1,057

    ken bogren

    We were there on Friday as spectators. The wind and air temps were not the friendliest!

    But there were still some cool cars to see and we had a good time.
  14. djlifter
    Joined: May 16, 2009
    Posts: 123

    from oklahoma

    Well, I stayed the whole weekend and had a pretty good time. Like everybody else said....Friday sucked..!! On Friday...I just walked into the show, didnt even take in the 59.
    I will say this...after going to about five hundred shows all over the country in the last 15 years, the NSRA events are not as much fun as some of the others. OKC seemed a little bland. Some, but not very many, of the other NSRA events are better. I really hate to say that because I have become friends with Vernon, Bugg, Bob and Jon..and all the NSRA staff...but...the truth is the truth.

    Goodguys has some really great events at some really great facilities.... Del Mar is GREAT... I enjoy all 4 Pleasanton events especially the west coast nationals in August......Columbus is fun...Des Moines is a really cool fairgrounds...Charlotte and TMS are pretty good events...
    Cruisin the coast...Frog follies...Pigeon Forge...Hot August nights ( pricey )...are all good.
    The Syracuse Nationals, Back to the Fifties in Minneapolis/St Paul, and a few other independant events are really fun.

    to me, the bottom line is...the NSRA needs to pick it up a little with a few new ideas and things to do and see....I think they can and hopefully they will..
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2011
  15. Tman, tell us how you really feel. You see, Roger, he summed up the whole situation rather succinctly. Tman didn't say that the NSRA has gone overboard in trying to overcome its many shortcomings over the years in letting other organizations outsmart and outmaneuver them, such as in securing better dates and locales for their events. Now, the NSRA few at the top have made a huge decision, which goes against the tenets of what the organization was founded upon, affecting all of its members, and done without consulting those members at all. That move has upset many of those members who have faithfully paid their dues to belong to an organization that promotes fun with 1948 and earlier hot rods. Last year, I went to Nats East to see what it was all about. What I saw there were vehicles such as a 1968 Mustang coupe with a continental kit and a 1980 Malibu Station Wagon with blackened glass all around and a US Flag graphic down the sides. I'm sorry, but these vehicles stuck out like a sore thumb as not belonging with the 1948 and earlier hot rods that were in attendance. After more than 42 years of Government service, I assure you that I love that flag no matter what it's on! But, that car did not fit in. So, like many others, I'm an ex-NSRA member; a Life member since the early 1970s. If I want to see vehicles like that, I can go stand on any corner. What I want to see is those 1948 and earlier hot rods. I have a choice, just as you do. That's what makes America great! So, if you want to continue attending NSRA events, have a ball, it's your choice. But, for me and Tman, and many others of the same ilk, we'll be attending those events that cater to our interests. So, you see, Roger, Tman really did make an intelligent statement as he said in three words what took me a whole lot more to say. Happy motoring!
  16. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    That's the problem with an organization like NSRA...or GoodGuy's, or a few of the other organizations on your side of the country (NESRO comes to mind- are they still around...???), they are NOT member controlled. Two or three people had the balls to get together forty years ago and form a company...they put their money up and they are now reaping the rewards, whether you like their decisions or not, it's the American way ...and the slogan "Fun with cars" was only coined to make you and others feel you were part of the organization. However, in forty years of business ownership, a lot can affect the bottom line and they are trying to maintain their profit structure. The guys at the top still make the decisions, good or bad ones.

    Again, you were offered a "membership," in NSRA, you certainly weren't offered a decision making position. When an organization offers memberships, they are well aware they may lose people because of their decisions...for those that are lost (the pre-48 group), there's plenty more that will step up (those of the post '48 group) that will maintain the numbers they seek to be profitable.

    While I agree with that statement, consider the Mustang owner or the Malibu owner paid for and "took over" your membership...two for one so to speak...and neither of those are offered a decision making position etiher.

    Exactly, making a business from nothing, maintaining it for forty years, via a profit, and hiring people to staff it in Memphis is a choice. That's a life-long job for a lot of people. At least they weren't in the unemployment line, and you, as a taxpayer weren't supporting them.That's what's great about America.

    Is there actually any '48 and earlier events anywhere in the country these days...??? There isn't on this side of the country that I know of.

    On that one, I must disagree (that's MY choice)...I've never seen Tman put up an intelligent post...from everything I've ever seen him post, he's an angry young man, mad at the world and everyone in it and " fuck the NSRA" is simply a comment showing sincere lack of intelligence. Had he bothered to comment, as you did Bowtie Coupe, perhaps it would have been taken seriously, but "rebels" (if Tman considers himself one), always use cursing and swearing as a means of getting their feelings known, it shocks intelligent people! Intelligent people, like you and I Bowtie, will take the time to explain their position in thoughtful words to let other people know how we feel.

    We all have choices, as far as I'm concerned, Tman is still living in his high school world...and I wouldn't be surprised if he puts up another post after reading this...something like "fuck you, Roger," of which I'll now thank him in advance. Words, or comments like that never bother me...AND, IF he puts up an intellegent well thought out post, then I may have to change my consideration of him. Have at it Trent...!!!!

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  17. Blown Mopar
    Joined: Oct 14, 2009
    Posts: 272

    Blown Mopar
    from abc

    Let me add one thing to 40studedude's commets, which by the way I agree with 100 percent. Bow Tie Coupe I worked to the government for 43 years as well. Twenty as a soldier and 23 training soldiers. It's obvious you are very well read, but if you think T-man's comment was smart or even appropriate you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are. Yelling Fuck this and Fuck that rearly influences thiking people to your way of thinking. I'd like to add I was a member of the NSRA for many years (not a life time member like you) and I'm no longer a member. My decision was made when the NHRA decided to have the Annual nationals in Louieville for 10 consecitive years instead of rotating it to cities around the country. However, I refrained from screaming "Fuck the NHRA" to everybody who would listen. My personnal feeling is that making T-man a monitor on this site was a mistake, but I'm not going to yell "Fuck the HAMB" to show my displeasure with that decision.
  18. Long Roof Larry
    Joined: Jun 25, 2007
    Posts: 162

    Long Roof Larry

    "Is there actually any '48 and earlier events anywhere in the country these days...??? There isn't on this side of the country that I know of."

    YES, there is one that I know of - this year will be there 39th rod run/show and is held in Branson, Missouri. They also are the host club for the NSRA event held in Springfield, MO.

  19. davidh73750
    Joined: Apr 21, 2009
    Posts: 1,601


    I can laugh. Some years I pass the billet rides both ways when its the same weekend as Lonestar round up. I went sunday just to take my boys outside for a while. I never saw so many mismatched parts on street rods in my life. 90's door handles on 50's cars. Late model mercedes headlights on 30's cars. PLEASE. I thought it was easter with all the pastel colors. $14 admission??. LSR doesn't even charge that. Went once yesterday and I won't go back again. Sorry if you like it but I think it sucks. Looking forward to the stray kat 500

    This was by far in the top 3 cars there.

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  20. Blown Mopar
    Joined: Oct 14, 2009
    Posts: 272

    Blown Mopar
    from abc

    It's OK for you to think it sucks. Why did you go? You knew what the NSRA was about and you still wasted $14. When you go to Stray CAt use the same criteria for picture taking that you did at the Nats. Take pictures of those death trap cars with gas tanks mounted in the passenger compartment, rotted and dried rubber brake hoses, misfit and misaligned chassis parts, lack of any safety equipment welding that a 3d grader would be ashamed of. I read your other post as well. You seem to think that lack of mobility (wheel chairs) means people should not be seen by you and super people like you. Guys who really love cars don't let handicaps slow them down and people raising small children don't teach them unfeeling biases that will make them poor citizens. I can only hope for their sake your wifes second husband will be a better mentor for your kids. You were right about one thin that Ford coupe would be a winner anywhere.
  21. davidh73750
    Joined: Apr 21, 2009
    Posts: 1,601


    Im sorry let me make clarify this. It wasn't pointing out handicaps of anyone. I saw general people using those carts in a lot of cases. I heard people walking say lets go rent a cart. too lazy to walk?. I pulled a wagon with 2 kiddos. I was in OKC with the boys sunday am and thought I'd try it once and I wont be going back.
    I'm not married and don't plan to be either. more pop shots?
  22. Relax Roger, you know I still like you. You also know I echo the sentiment of many on this board. Shows Like the Roundup,Pileup,Symco prove this. When the NSRA threw Ryan out of OKC a few years ago it was prophetic winds of change. :cool:

    You also forget myself and a few "rebels" stopped your car and your brothers car from being vandalized at 2AM in Joplin at the HAMB drags back in 07. I am far from angry, I just see things 180 from you. ;)
  23. Blown Mopar
    Joined: Oct 14, 2009
    Posts: 272

    Blown Mopar
    from abc

    I don't have anymore pot shots. I glad your healthy. That doesn't excuse cutting down who don't have you good health. As far as doing something with your kids is concerned your right on. Even if it wasn't all you had hoped. And I want to aplogize for that last remake it was over the top and uncalled for. I make mistakes to.
  24. For the record, I have no moderating capabilities on the HAMB
  25. davidh73750
    Joined: Apr 21, 2009
    Posts: 1,601


    Blown Mopar no harm no foul. Just looked at your cars. Yours are not in this category by any means. I work in the healthfield so seeing young healthy people just beeing lazy gets on my nerves. I work with handicap people often. Good health is a true blessing
    When I was at lsr a few wks ago I walked all over the show all over congress and I looked at it as I was counter balancing all the good food and drink of the wk end.

    this is what I talking of bad taste

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  26. Junior Stock
    Joined: Aug 24, 2004
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    Junior Stock

    Ever been to Dewey?
  27. davidh73750
    Joined: Apr 21, 2009
    Posts: 1,601


    Yeah first time I went to dewey show was a few wks after lonestar. I was amazed I saw more merc's there than at austin. Lots of customs done up vintage style too. Met some guys I became good friends with too.
    It wasn't a ratty show.
  28. 3wLarry
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    from Owasso, Ok

    I like Roger, he doesn't like deuces and I don't like customs...evens out

    I like Tman, he's an asshole and so am I...evens out

    now you two kiss and make up
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  29. Perception is a funny thing Larry, I find it informative to search a persons post history, I may sully my "reputation" with this one;)

    Lots of angst there:p

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