Getting ready to start some sheetmetal fab on my speedster - was curious what the 'period' (1920's) method for putting a rolled lip or finished edge on a curved piece of sheet was... Would forming the sheet over tubing/wire work, or would brazing brass half oval stock be better?
You can roll an edge like that in the photo with a " T dolly ". It is a piece of round bar, ends rounded, welded to a handle. Various diameter round bar can be used to form various radii and the rod can also be bent to facilitate curved rolled edges. You can make them or purchase them. Ray
that is a good way to do it. also you can use tubing and cut it in half with a die grinder, but its not likly how they did it in the day. it will take a bit of pratice to be able to hand form a roll edge and have it look good. tubing a little easier. go with the formed edge if you can skull
a T dolly is easy to make. come over to or for some good info on how to do what you need
A few years ago on that auction site , there RSS a Guy selling some antique body shop tools. Pliers for forming the beads on fenders and such. Profile like a roller die " {|{" squeeze it & metal = { shape. Very cool very old and a few different profiles.