Happy Birthday Doug! Seven years ago you told me about checking out an oddly named website...the HAMB. Thanks! I hope someone finds a Morton & Brett Overhead valve head for your 1920s Dodge. Enjoy your day! Bob
Holy crap, I feel old. Thanks! I went all day without telling anyone, now the whole world knows. Hard to believe we've been on the hAMB that long. Little girl at K Mart ask for my birthdate because I was buying a can of spray paint. Her excuse was teenagers buy paint and use it for graffiti. I said LOOK at me I'm 60 frickin' years old if you really need a birthdate you better make one up!!
Happy Birthday Doug!!! Got your email about missing on the Coupe'- sorry to hear (I'll send you an email this weekend). Hope your day is great- hope to see you soon! Bill