Not really my idea, stole it from the local custom car builder up her Ken Allmon. It just seemed like a good idea. I wanted to seal it up anyway and think how much easier it will be to spot stuff when working under it after install.
I have done it on the last couple of cars, it really makes it nice to see what you are doing if ya have to get in there when the car is together.
Huh, never thought of that but sure makes sense. I think i'll do that to my 32 when i get back to it. Thanks for the tip. Tony
I've done that the last couple of times. Really helps to see during the wiring and assembly process and also to make revisions or repairs after it's done.
That is a good idea.... While you're at it how about installing a couple small lights on a switch for those times you need to get under there . Would beat holding a flash light.
How timely this post is, I am doing a dash in my rig and will do the white paint and the lights beind. Damn this site friggin rules. Sharing is caring and we certainly have some cool folks helpin each other out. Thanx a bunch, my Ranch Wagon had a padded dash that went bad and the previous folks did a great job of slicking it up and spray bombing it, but was lucky enough to find a 59 Ford dash already taken out and laying in the back of a 59 Ranchero at one of our local u-pull-its, set me back 24.99, going to powder coat it black. ~sololobo~
That makes sense anywhere you've got to get into to do maintenance - inside door panels, behind the dash, under seats. I've even painted the inside of the cabinet under the kitchen sink.
I'm way too hardcore for that shit! I'd paint mine black just to be a bad ass! Thats REAL!!! -Kidding. Thats actually a great idea. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
pretty cool idea , i never gave it a thought to how much briter it would make it working with a drop lite behind the dash , or put a small dome lite/ or colored lite down there and the reflection would toss quite a bit of lite when the doors are opened