OK Ford FE guys, I have a more or less stock 390 in a 61 Starliner. Rebuilt by a reputable shop a few years ago. It runs HOT, 210-220 on Fwy. Details: .030 over, Small Isky solid cam, new water pump, stock c/r, factory cast iron headers, 3/2 carbs, 4 speed. Runs perfect. Tried re-cored stock radiator with stock fan, stock fan with shroud, Griffon Alum radiator with stock fan, fan and shroud, 3200 CFM electric fan with full shroud. Runs @ 180 around town with current set-up, alum rad, big electric fan and shroud. It will idle all day @180. It's when the RPM's come up, either driving or at a standstill that the temp goes up. No oil in water, no water in oil, although the insides of the valve covers did have some moisture/tan sludge. BUT, it almost seems like combustion gas may be getting into the crankcase at higher revs, seems to have an lot of blowby. Cranking compression test in 180 range, no water in the plugs. Are FE's known to have any cracking/leaking problems that can cause this? It runs well. It does not use water or oil. Owner has several FE engine cars, all more radical than this one, and they don't run hot. Ideas?
try a different size pulley its probably spinning the water pump too fast but 210-220 isnt really all that hot
it may running lean at hwy speeds ,try richening carbs or diff. carb set up .lean will definatly run hotter especially when cruising.
Make sure you have the correct thermostat. In the old days many people would run 160 degree in the summer and 180 degree in the winter. If you do not have a thermostat installed the water may be leaving the radiator to soon, there for the water will not cool as it should.
Some of the big Fords have a lower radiator hose about half a mile long (actually maybe 2 1/2 feet). The originals had reinforcement wire to keep the center of the hose from collapsing. Some of the newer hoses do not. If the hose collapses in the center, the engine will run hot. On one model, I made a center section from aluminum conduit, and connected an elbow hose on each end. End of problem. Just something to check. Jon.
MSD dist. Will check timing tomorrow. Hose could be it as well. It felt real soft when I changed radiators. Don't think it has a thermostat. Will put one in it. Thanks, any more ideas keep em coming.