My transmission is 3 on the tree. So Cathcart makes stuff for the six cyl? I was unable to find any website for them though. The URL someone gave me didn't work. Is that the wrong address? I think as it stands right now, my plans are to: -Fix the bit of fiberglassed rust in the back -rake the front a bit -get some lake pipes -paint my wheels -and fix up the interior a bit For the spider caps, do you just have to find a set that matches your bolt pattern? I do like how those look!
Yes. Studes use the 5 on 4-1/2" like Ford, Chrysler and AMC, I have 15" steelies off a '69 Monaco on my '55 and they fit like they were made for it. Perfect offset. Studebaker did the LH thread lug nuts on one side and RH on the other like Chrysler as well.
Here is my Lark. I kind of wish I started with a wagon. I had my choice and went with this. If I could go back I think I would have gone with the wagon. I put a 383 small block and 4 speed in mine. Nine inch rear with Alston ladder bars and a Turner power front disk brake kit. Well worth the money. Makes all the difference in the world when driving around and you have good brakes. All new interior to. Right now I'd like to sell it so I could get going on my '52 pickup. Not any interest that I have seen. Adding an "End of the sixty's " Lark that I was involved with in black and white.
Studebaker had some fast cars in the '60's. I do remember a Silver Hawk that raced with us and it wan't any slouch. They also had a hand built Sports Car called the Avanti. Those cars really ate the road up. Fast, dependable and strong blocks. I'll bet there are some of those power plants still out there with recyclers at some affordable prices. Wouldn't it be unique to power that Studie with another fast engine from the same stable?
glad to see so many larks on here. I picked up this 1960 2 door sedan last weekend. inline 6 , runs and drives. the plan is to recover the seats and drive it around this summer, then really dig into it in the fall.
Looks like you've got a good project ahead of ya! But yeah, that's kinda what I'm doing with my car. Do a few things and drive it for now, and play more later.
found your thread after some searching. I am over on SDC as cultural infidel. Im looking forward to your progress on this rig! I hope to get some work done on our family rig soon as well!
The factory 'optional' quad headlight front nose may still be available n.o.s. @ SASCO in South Bend. I was there last fall, and there were skids of 'em!
I didnt know that they offered "quads" in 1960. I didnt think that was until '61. Learn something new every day. Any idea how much they wanted for them?
You are correct - Quad headlights were not an option in 1960. I believe that is either a photoshoped car or a modified and installed front panel. Mike
Here's mine! Thanks, JReece My clothing line HiRevZ Clothing Co. Most of all build what you want, do what you want, it's your car. My uncle has always said, "If you like it, I love it." Meaning doesn't matter if he likes it or not, because it isn't his car.
They didn't offer quads in '60. but the header panel would fit from '59-'63, any model, including trucks!!
I learned a lot about what would fit what when re-bodying my '60 Champ pickup. (Basically, a t-cab truck was a four-door Lark from the b-pillars forward,just on the truck frame.)