It's been raining all day. This evening it has been POURING again and doesn't show signs of stopping. Flooding on top of the tornado is not what we need right now.
I called the host hotel today and they told me they are ok and not hurt but they have alot of debris. We're rallying a trailer up here with donations to go down to try and help. Our prayers go out to all the families.
Heartbroken for you Sir. Thank you for everything that you do for us, if there's anything that we can do for you just say the word.
Very sorry to hear about everyone's troubles in the Joplin area,especially for those who lost loved ones. And to think I've been complaining about all the rain our area's been getting. Stay strong,everyone.
I'm so sorry to hear. I'm sure you'll get your word quickly and be able to come home. I know it won't be quick enough. My prayers are with you and your family.
I just want to add my thoughts and prayers for the victims. I've never seen anything like that. Prayers especially for sociallydistorted!
Our prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for your service to our country. I'm sure you know, but if you get in touch with the Red Cross they can cut a lot of red tape real fast. They sometimes get forgotten for this purpose. Should be a contact on the base. God bless, SPark
Just want to add my thoughts and prayers to everyone effected by the storm. SociallyDistorted I'm very sorry for your loss, hope you can get home soon, thank you for all you do for us.
all right fellas, i think i came up with a plan here.
sociallydistorted, We are very sorry to hear about the loss of your Father. As many have said before me; thank you for your service and sacrifice! Stay Strong...
SociallyDistorted, My heart goes out to you and your family in this most difficult of times. I am very sorry to hear about your loss. prayers to all those in the storm's path. My home town was destroyed in 1990 by an F5 that was a mile wide. Lost a family friend. I can honestly say i know what most are going through right now. Stay strong you guys. let us know what we can do.
Just got home from work and found out the magnitude of this storm. SD, and any others affected, my thoughts and prayers are with you all! Jim
Contact your C.O. immediately to notify him /her or the company chaplin of this. Might relieve you of front line assignment ( if that is your assignment/duty) until official notification recieved. Prior history of this relief happening immediately,but not always, depending on back up support and duty function. Good luck and listen to me son when I say you keep alive first and foremost until relief arrangements can and are made. You think straight to stay alive for yourself and your fellow brothers and your wife. Strength for now- this moment until arrangements are made. Be strong - good luck and my heart is with you.
Hey buddy, Was really glad to see your post. I hope BigErn and your families are OK too. I am so saddened by what I've seen on the news. Please let me know if can help in any way. Keep the faith.
Our prayers go out to all those affected...Hope to be sending help soon. Sociallydistorted man Im so sorry to hear about your father, you are in our paryers brother..stay safe out there, I hope you can be with your family soon.
sociallydistorted, My brother is a Gunnery Sgt. in the Marines. He and his family were stationed in Japan for 3 years. We had a brother pass away & his wifes mother as well in that time period. They said all you have to do is contact the Red Cross and they will contact your wife or call for confirmation of your fathers passing. They were flown out the same day on both occasions. You should be able to get out by tomorrow. Condolences on you & your families loss. I know it's tough I have twins both in the Army & one is in Iraq & the other at Ft. Bragg. Thank you for your service. Bryan
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the Joplin area, especially those who have lost a member of their family. Having been through a similar storm in Grand Island, NE on June 3, 1980 I would ask all of you to consider donating to the American Red Cross. I was only 14 when Grand Island was detroyed by mulitple tornadoes and we were fortunate to have only lost 5 people to the storm, but I remember those Red Cross vans and the volunteers staffing them. They brought us food and water and nearly anything else we needed in the short term. They are an amazing organization and I can only imagine what the HAMB family could do to bolster their "war chest" to help all of these people out.
Ive been through a tiny twister down here, but it was nothing like this. My heart goes out to all whom have lost loved ones.
Amen to that! I got wiped out in the May 8, 2003 F4 twister that hit Oklahoma City. Lost the house and most of my stuff, but my family, my cat, and I were hiding out in the bottom floor bathroom, which was the only room left untouched!
sociallydistorted... Sorry to hear about the loss of your Father... Thank you for your service and sacrifice... and I would check with the C.O. might be able to get expedited leave and transportation! I rode home on a C141 and there was a PFC getting a direct ride to his parents house. Stay Strong... and God Bless...
Sociallydistorted, Our prayers are with you. As others have said, we all appreciate your service and heroism no doubt runs in your family. E
Sorry for all those who have lost loved one. Joplin be prepared for the con men construction guys to roll into town. Those fu*king scam artists will be coming. I hope nobody falls for these guys pitch. I'd just like to catch one of these scumbags, just once--- well maybe two or three times.