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Projects SA's 1957 Buick Super Build

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Strange Agent, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    That's a good car to learn on, it's about like driving a bus. :D

    Thanks for the info. That's the plan, I'm looking to get to that today when I get home from school. I'm kind of busy with midterms and such, so I might not get to it today, but that's the plan.

    Thanks for the tip! I'll check 'em out.

    New avatar I see? Lookin' good... :cool:
  2. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Spent some time today scrubbing and washing off the fuel tank.

    Top side:


    Top side, bottom right of above picture:


    Top side, bottom left of above picture:


    Bottom side:


    Bottom side, bottom of above picture:


    Hmm... what to do fellas?
  3. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    I'd try and find another, Bob may have one as was suggested.
  4. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    I'll shoot him an e-mail and see what he says.

    What do you guys think of those fuel tank restoration places? It looks like they work magic, but I can imagine it's pricey. Anybody have experience with that?
  5. Mustang gas tank in the trunk?
  6. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Now that you say that... I have a Cobra II sitting in the backyard. :D

    I don't really want to do that, but if that's what it comes down to, don't think I won't. I actually probably have a few gas tanks laying around that would work.

    I just don't really want to do that unless I have to. (i.e. can't get my Buick one fixed or replaced for cheap.)
  7. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    Bunch of issues with that. The sending unit doesn't work with the Buick gauge. You lose trunk space. You have to fill through the trunk so it always smells like gas in there.

    If it looks that bad just washing it off it'll be worse once it's really cleaned up. You should be able to find a better tank for a lot less money.
  8. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Yeah, I really don't want to have to Frankenstein the thing.

    Yeah, I just went over it with a wirebrush and then hosed it off. I'm kind of scared to scrub the rest of the grease off. It's probably not worth the time. I sent Bob an e-mail and am waiting for a reply.
  9. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Ok, so I've been lazy and haven't gotten a lot done lately. Got a little bit done yesterday, with the help of my brother.

    We began dismantling the front brakes, here's what we've taken out so far:


    And here's what's left on the Rustmaster:


  10. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    I've got a nice set of '55 front brakes...everything from the spindles out...that you're welcome to have for nothing. Just come and get 'em. I don't know if they'll interchange, but they're really nice, and freshly removed from my Special. PM me if you're interested.
  11. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Ok, update time: Got a message back from Flat Top Bob, no dice on the fuel tank. So that search/battle continues.

    I've taken the brakes off the Super, transferred the hubs over to the Rustmaster and put it out to pasture. I'll be back on that for the rear brakes and some dash pieces, but for now it's back.

    I'm in the process of ordering new wheel cylinders for the Super, and then those front brakes will get put together.

    What can ya'll tell me about master cylinder swaps on these bad boys? Mine is OEM (I believe) and probably not any good. I'm looking to go for a dual-pot set-up. Anybody help me out?
  12. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    Standard GM M/C can be adapted pretty easy..



    I used a Vette master because of my discs, but any drum drum one can be done just as easy.
  13. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Thanks for the information zman, that's good to know.

    Started wiring the motor to get it to run, ran into trouble. That thread can be found here. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. classiccarlover
    Joined: Jul 3, 2009
    Posts: 28


    I have a 57 special thats half taken apart. I started working on it this may but had to temperally stop working on it. I had to get a divorce first haha. Anyway guys get those buicks up and running.. oh ya; When i can get the pics of mine on here i'll have to show you guys my 4 door hardtop. Its pretty cool looking. Bought it from a hamber a year ago but finally got it shipped to my state this last april. I will have some leftover parts from it as I bought another 57 special this summer. So young man if you let me know what your needing I will see it i have what you need. Keep up the restoring of those old buicks guys. Ive seen a milion 57 chevys but never knew what a 57 buick looked like until a year ago. Thanks from classiccarlover
  15. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
    Posts: 2,879

    Strange Agent

    Thanks for the generous offer.

    Update time: Still having starter issues, but I got tired of doing nothing, so I got outside and started taking things apart.

    I'm swapping out my Super dash for the Roadmaster one. Spent some time today taking the Super one out.

    Here's the dash pad and misc. trim:

    Here's the back of the dash:

    And the inside of the car:

    I have a random question. What is this?:

    It looks to be a random piece of trim, I didn't even think it was original to the car, but there was one in the glovebox of the Roadmaster, and now I found this one in the super, in an ashtray I believe. It's slightly magnetic, anybody know?
  16. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Since my last post I've removed the dash from the Roadmaster, and I had pics on my camera, but I think someone deleted them! I'll take more later on, but right now my camera is dead.

    In other news, I'm still having starter issues, if you want the details here are the threads:

    For now, I've decided to try to get the wiring harness swapped from the Roadmaster over to the Super.

    Here's what I have to work with:


    It should be a fairly simple swap. I'm going to work on it today.
    Joined: Feb 1, 2011
    Posts: 3


    I was wondering if you had extra end caps for the front and rear bumpers? I hear the whole bumpers wont fit my roadmaster i also need the trunk cardboard, and pass rear window. I need the chrome step plates that go on the floor inside of each door. I dont know what there called...there stainless or chrome not sure which. If i am right you have 2 rustmasters i was hoping you were gonna art out the other extra parts you wont be needing... Thanks for your time.
  18. lencoauto
    Joined: Mar 15, 2011
    Posts: 1

    from california

    Hi ,Im looking for a 1957 buick jack, wondering if you have an extra one for sale. thanks leonard.
  19. donut29
    Joined: Mar 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,518

    from canton MI

    That random piece of trim is probably a broken wiper switch
  20. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Ok, so school is out for the summer and Strange has a lot more free time to go play in the garage.


    I took the dashes out of both of the Buicks, trying to make the best dash I could with the parts I had, here's a few pics of that process:









    Also, I pulled the ol' Rustmaster around to the front of the shop and got the rear brakes off that, a lot of new brake parts. This car was such a score. The only parts I think I'm going to need to buy for the brakes are wheel cylinders, and a few miscellaneous lines. Here's a few pics:

    I recruited the help of the local population (brother) to do the dirty work.




    The Rustmaster living up to its name:


    I also pulled the back brakes off the Super, and goodness were they ground to dust. I'm planning on painting the brake area, frame of the car, and the rear wheel wells on the Super today. I'll post pics when it's done.

    In the works, I'm in the process of ordering a wiring harness kit from Todd at Rebel Wire, and I'm looking at getting a new dual-pot master cylinder.

    In other news, I've been reading a lot of little books from 1952-1960, and I think I really want to do a pre-1960 custom, and I want it to be as traditional as possible. So far I haven't done anything outlandishly new. The master cylinder is the only major thing I can think of that's not traditional. I was planning on getting radials, but now I'm lookin' at some good ol' G-78's. I'm not totally decided though.
  21. krusin
    Joined: Dec 1, 2009
    Posts: 11

    from ga

    Hi saw your thread on your Buick I am building a 57 special wagon. I had the same issue with the tank, I used a tank from a 68 Camero fit very well,had to adjust the filler neck but no big deal on a new tank (no fumes), I used the 57 sending unit but you could use any sender with 0-30 ohms.
    Will you be selling any left over parts?
  22. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Thanks for the tip.

    I am selling basically everything I'm not going to use. If you need something, feel free to PM me.
  23. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Things have been moving here as of late, Christmas came early this year! Got me some new things:

    New master cylinder, booster from Speedway:


    I also got new brake hoses and wheel cylinders from that auction site, and Todd from Rebel Wire through me a nice HAMBer discount on a 9+3 circuit wiring harness kit:


    I'm working on getting the brakes working before I move to wiring, but the kit sure looks good.

    So I'm working on the brakes, figure I should get stuff squared away with my master cylinder. The master cylinder and booster is a heavy pair, so I figured I'd take the shroud off the firewall and plate it, so we don't have flexing problems.

    Found a nice little surprise for me when I took it off...



    I've had the brakes from my Roadmaster and my Super off for a while, I spent this weekend putting the best of both on the Super:


    I figured I'd paint my drums a little to clean 'em up:



    I got the four drums all painted up, I thought I was going to be finished, throw some wheels on and roll my car out- wrong!

    The drums don't clear the brakes in the front or the rear. I had one of my old Super rear hubs laying around, and it's tight, but clears the brakes. The Super drums are more worn out, so it's natural they have more clearance, but the thing that throws me is that the Super drums have a different face design than the ones off the Roadmaster. I don't know if you can really tell the difference in these photos:

    Roadmaster (smooth face)


    Super (indented face)


    Anyway, I'm going to take the Roadmaster drums to the auto parts store tomorrow and see if they can't turn them for me. I'm not sure if they'll be able to do the fronts, since the hubs are somewhat integral to the drum itself. Is there a way to seperate the hubs from the drums in the fronts?
  24. lukey
    Joined: May 27, 2009
    Posts: 668


    WOW...just came across this thread tonight and im already addicted! keep up the good work, cant wait to see the rest of the build!
  25. vintage44
    Joined: Dec 27, 2007
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    from NY
    1. New York H.A.M.B.ers

    Looking to do the same mc/booster conversion. Can you give me the whole "Speedway" name and location? I've got a '57 Special, what you got would probably fit. Could you give me the specifics? Thanks
  26. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    Thanks, the goal is to have it on the street before I have to go back to school at the end of August. It's going to be tight, because I'm going to be going out of state for almost a month...

    Here you go.

    I'm using the 1" bore because I'm running a drum-drum setup. Also, the holes in the shroud do not match up with the holes on the booster, so you'll have to do something to get it to mount. Like I said, I'm going to plate mine and drill new holes.
  27. sololobo
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
    Posts: 8,383


    Awesome car bro, the three piece back window is so friggin hip. Please stay with a buick mill, you won't be sorry. Rock on my young friend. ~sololobo~
  28. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
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    Strange Agent

    My car has the one-piece back window. I plan on keeping a Nailhead in it.
  29. Gerrys
    Joined: May 1, 2009
    Posts: 326


    Looks like the end of the controls at the left of the dash that broke off. Has the same thing o n my 57 .
  30. 64LeSabre455
    Joined: Dec 29, 2007
    Posts: 779

    from Adkins, Tx

    Any progress is good progress.

    Hopefully you can get them drums resurfaced, and they will work out for ya.
    If not, it looks like you will have to go the disc brake route!

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