Exactly! I call it Buttered Toast, because in person, that yellow looks like a stick of butter. I was planning a So-Cal road trip in the car, but it won't be ready. I am still going, but not in this wagon.
I think the car looks great (but not practical to leave the primer unprotected), especially the artwork. But, you will need to top coat the Auto Airs even if you don't care to top coat the rest of the car. They are not formulated to stand alone and will get tore up rather quickly under normal driving conditions. I have shot these paints since they first came out and have yet to see any survive very long in this type of application without a top coat
The airbrush work has been cleared. I am waiting to get a few other things done and then we are going to spray some flat clear on the primer. I still have to do the hood louvers and build a roof rack. It'll happen.
I did the tinted primer thing 2 years ago, and it looks like CRAP now. It has no UV protection and starts breaking down pretty fast. It runs off like wet chalk in the rain or when washing it. Fun while it lasts! Good luck!
I have some flat clear coming for it, I too have seen the chalky primer, I don't want that, but i like the look it has now.
Yeah, I never meant to have it as a final finish. I was gonna get real paint on it, and here it is 2 plus years later..... Will UV protected clear protect whats underneath?
From what I have been told, it works great to protect a primered finish. Who knows, I may end up doing something different, but for now, it looks great.
Sweet!!!! I can't wait to see it finished!!! When I was stationed in Hawaii many years back, a buddy and I owned a '69 AMX. Being typical enlisted personel, funds were low so everything done to the car was on the cheap. We finally got it wearing primer and ran out of funds. Local jobber felt sorry for us and gave us a returned gallon of clear (could never figure out who returns clear??!!!!). I sold my interest in the car to my buddy 2 years later when I was shipping out and he then brought the car back to the states when he got out of the suck a year later. The car still looked good 14 years later when he fully restored it.