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High gloss?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by farmergal, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

  2. low-n-slo54
    Joined: Jul 25, 2009
    Posts: 1,920


    When I painted my '54, I let my laquer cure for 3 days then cut and buffed it. I used 3M 800 grit and worked down to 3000 grit. Went over it a couple times with Turtle Wax medium duty rubbing compound then used their polishing compound. Turned out real nice.
  3. Smokeybear
    Joined: Apr 20, 2011
    Posts: 325


    Cool! I didn't know you guys were one here. I'm really happy with your product... Here is what my son's 67 looks like after Wizards...




  4. badshifter
    Joined: Apr 28, 2006
    Posts: 3,585


    As I read where you said the clear cracked in spots, my instant thought was too thick on the clear. Now, you've confirmed it. I believe the problem is too much material to properly cure. You may be in for long term badness, as in more large scale cracking as the material shrinks.
  5. Kripfink
    Joined: Sep 30, 2008
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    Member Emeritus

    get in touch with club member Highlander, I'm sure he'll be able to help and gets results like this;


    that's his reflection in a painted panel:eek:

    best of luck

  6. greazy john
    Joined: Oct 13, 2007
    Posts: 457

    greazy john

    start with fresh pads i've had problems like that with using pads that were used up.... went with fresh pad and no more scratches !!!! i also use Farecla G3 compound and good jobber should be able to get it also water based so you can spritz it as it breakes down...start with a wool pad then go with the foam polish pads....good luck
  7. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

    well not sure what we could do about that since the clear was so heavy to begin with. whats odd is that it only cracked in certain spots and the rest of the car turned out perfect. whats even weirder is that when we stripped the entire panels down that did this, and then resprayed did it again....and matter what we tried. Luckily everything looks okay now and its actually pretty solid. We talked to the auto body supply people and they gave us one more step to try. they said this time it should do it. We also couldnt get 3000 grit sandpaper and they called that "rare to use" and they didnt know anyone who supplied it. Hopefully this round of glaze will help us out instead of our 2 step process we were going with. wish us luck
  8. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

    im back here for an update. Our last try with the new finishing product didnt work. we tried a Maguire's wax known for helping fix scratches and that failed to work too. It's been a very very frustrating evening. i turned into a bit og a "girl" and actually started crying this evening. we've worked so hard to make this car something nice and we were so excited to paint it and its not going our way. Unfortunately...the clear is garbage and is scratching when we wipe it with towels. its rediculous and im so fed up i could honestly scream. Im ready to give up. We spent A LOT of money on this clear and we can't afford to re-do this paint job. we pulled out all the funds to make the car nice on the first try and were looking forward to show stopping car in all aspects. unfortunately we keep getting fought with. A phone call is being made in the morning so hopefully this issue will be resolved soon. I will keep everyone updated. we could use some encouraging words right about now
  9. KrisKustomPaint
    Joined: Apr 20, 2007
    Posts: 1,107


    3M black waffle pad, perfect it III Machine Glaze
  10. chopolds
    Joined: Oct 22, 2001
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    from howell, nj
    1. Kustom Painters

    Bring it down to my shop. I'm sure it can be saved!
  11. Dino
    Joined: Oct 22, 2002
    Posts: 225


    What clear did you use, and how did you mix it?
  12. Ob1
    Joined: Jan 21, 2010
    Posts: 411


    I have different preferences in my body shop. I use Assilex Orange to knock down finishes. It is a very effective abrasive, leaving a dull surface in short order. Any knibs left are easily seen and taken care of. It is fast, efficient, long lasting, and kind of expensive for the DIYer. I suggest splitting a box with a few friends. I estimate after a year of using it that the box will last me another 2 years!

    For compound, I like Evercoat Triple Cut on a black foam pad, the finish up with 3M hand glaze.
  13. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

    thanks OB1. at this point; nothing is going to help us because we don't think the clear is cured. my boyfriend runs a professional body shop so everything was done by the book with professional products. it was mixed properly and sprayed properly as they do it everyday in the shop. i can tell you the clear was very expensive and top of the line. at this point we are probably going to run the car the way it is for the summer and then we are going to have to start all over again next winter.
  14. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

    we've used that. didnt work. we used another product the supplier recommended, didn't work. if you wipe the car down with a clean towel...its scratched all over again. we'r making one last phone call to dupont in the morning and it is not going to be a nice one. if we have to hang signs at car shows that state ' dont use dupont paint products if you want your car to look like S&^t." to get our point across to them; we will do it. theyve been running us around in circles over this matter and its like pulling teeth to get them to even send the area paint rep to come and look at it.
  15. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

    wish we could but unfortunately if the clear is still soft...its just going to keep scratching. unfortunately i think this has turned into a major issue with our clear coat and not so much an issue of getting scratches out. you could just touch it and scratch the crap out of it. this just sucks. we've saved and spent a lot of money to make sure it was done right with great products. taking on this project was an expensive one for us and we dont have deep pockets. we splurged on the the paint and clear and unfortunately didnt get the results we wanted. The only thing we purchased was a shitty clear that has done nothing but cause issues. We've spent a lot of money on products to try and fix our buffing issue but unfortunately it just keeps reverting back to crap. we dont have the money to re-paint this car. we are out of funds from fighting with it. we've spent day and night of the last 6 months busting our asses to get this car perfect for driving season and thats just not going to happen. its very frustrating. :mad::(
  16. kroozn1
    Joined: Dec 10, 2004
    Posts: 144


    Here is an inexpensive way to get those spider web scratches a towel makes on dark paint jobs.
    Give this a try:

    Go to the home improvement store and get a few grout sponges and use them to the final hand glaze with.

    Don't use so much glaze that the sponge gets soaked ... just apply a small amount to the car and rub it in with a sponge and remove any residue with another sponge. Slow work ... but you can get the scratches out. Maintance will need to be done with sponges once in a while to keep a show car finish.

    The problem you are having may have nothing to do with the DuPont clear ... but with the BC/CC system and a dark color.

    Clear scratches white and I seldom clear coat dark, solid colors for just that reason.

    When you cut 'n buff to a glass-like surface the fine scratches are magnified like a finger print on a clean mirror.

    Try the sponges.... it can't hurt.

  17. autobodyed
    Joined: Mar 5, 2008
    Posts: 1,943

    from shelton ct

    if you want, your more than welcome to bring the car down to stratford, i can put the car in my booth and bake it at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes to an hour. at this time you have nothing to loose, and if this don't dry it, it ain't never gonna cure. let me know, eddie.
  18. Bull
    Joined: Mar 17, 2006
    Posts: 2,288


    You could give our Shine Master Polish and Breathable Sealant (applied with a foam applicator pad) a try. Safe for fresh paint. Works well for swirl marks too.
  19. csimonds
    Joined: Jul 24, 2009
    Posts: 546


    Hey Farmergirl,
    I have heard nothing but great things about Eddie, I would take him up on this. Bake Bettie and maybe you can get some type of satisfaction! Good Luck, shit its only an hour ride, and an hour bake time.
  20. Blacksmith54
    Joined: Aug 27, 2006
    Posts: 84

    from Phoenix AZ

    Sorry I don't have time right now to read the entire post and reply's but bottom line is IF you polish it it will never shine as well as,if it was just shot, my recommendation is to wet sand the entire car with about a dull 600 grit and one double wet pass of properly mixed clear (using the warmest reducer you can get away with)the orange peel effect will not show up and it will flow out to a mirror shine but any dust or bugs will stand out like sore thumbs.:cool:
  21. oldandkrusty
    Joined: Oct 8, 2002
    Posts: 2,141


    Farmergal, first I would like to commend you for the very cuteous and very detailed analysis of the paint problems you have experienced. Nearly every solution to the problem that was provided, you have responded that you have tried the procedure and what results you obtained. No drama, just detailed responses.

    I can only imagine your frustration at the continued failure of all the hoped for cures and, more frustratingly, the brush-off you have been receiving from DuPont. I'm pretty sure that many of us after having experienced the problems you have had would wither be in tears now, very drunk or looking to vent our anger on a perticular group of paint professionals! I certainly hope that tDuPont's "customer service" gets a wake-up call from the bad publicity that this thread is deservedly giving them.

    Last, I would like to offer my "attaboys" to chopolds and to autobodyed for the help they offered to you. They are true H.A.M.B.ers

    Good luck, I hope your problems are solved in the very near future.
  22. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

    thank you for the very generous offer Autobodyed. We just might take you up on the offer! After some pissed off phone calls to the paint reps this morning; they are coming out to look at the car next thursday. the professional auto body guy who works in the shop (and is very respected) is out for blood and he wants dupont to pay for the time and supplies to do it on the clock in the shop. I dont know if we' get that much out of them but i'm expecting some compensation for our poor outcome. :)

    i've been trying to smile through the whole mess but as each attempt fails... the more pissed off i get. As for the type of clear we used? they recommended the Chromaclear G2-7779S to us after we told them what we wanted out of the car. so that's what we went with.

    We knew when we first started spraying the clear that is was very heavy and very thick so we sprayed it accordingly and knew that we couldn't lay it on thick.

    we decided to wet sand the entire car because we knew it would make it look better. it would rid us of our minor orange peel and help alleviate some of the minor issues in the paint We had some runniness in the ass-end where the body slopes down heavily and we took care of that no problem. it wet sanded great, 1st stage buffed out with the 3M compund great and when we went to use the 3M glaze it was very scratchy. we wet sanded it all again hoping to get rid of the scratches and when we finished up with glaze again; we were left with the same result

    To give you a better idea of how easily it scracthes; if we put a fender gaurd blanket on the front fender to work on the scratches it within a few seconds leaving the fender looking hideous. thats how easily it scratches. like i said before; its now a matter of a crap clear coat that isn't holding up to anything. i can still put a finger nail dent in it; and i dont know much about paint; but im guessing that clear is supposed to be hard enough to not be able to do that type of damage. just imagine what it'll look like if we hit a patch of bugs on a drive :(

    I want to thank you all for your generosity and help. I guess i will keep everyone updated when we hear back from dupont next thursday.

    regardless; we are still trying to get the car up and running and we are planning on taking it to the middltown cruise wednesday night...nice clear coat or not :)
  23. slammed
    Joined: Jun 10, 2004
    Posts: 8,150


    Fiber towels when you wipe it. Always. Clean, washed alone (fiber towels only) Waxing will not cure scratches. Buffing them with finer and finer polishes. The same for pads. Progressively softer pads. Find a section on the car, and make it perfect. A flat panel, away from ridges, edges, ect. A spray detailer to clean up between buffing, always a clean fiber towel. Wish I where there too. Did you take up chopolds offer?
  24. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

    we actually just got the dupont people to come check it out. his advice: leave the car out in the sun. so...we've been doing that and we're just going to leave it and drive it for the summer. when fall/winter rolls around...hopefully it should definately be cured by then and we can go ahead and buff it to shine :)
  25. 52pickup
    Joined: Aug 11, 2004
    Posts: 833

    from Tucson, Az

    Yeah... they want you to drive it 6 months, then they'll say, "Sorry, we can't cover it because you drove it for 6 months."

    If I were you, I'd take Autobodyed up on his offer to bake it, and get this situation taken care of sooner than later.
  26. safetymike1977
    Joined: Aug 13, 2005
    Posts: 182


    Companies like this get complacent. They never feel their products are at fault, and they will fight you tooth and nail until you finally prove it. I work for a plant that had issues with paint. This was powder paint, but it was dupont. 50,000 pounds of it we had in stock when the paint issues were discovered. While they won't admit it, they make some bad product sometimes. Too bad you don't have a lawyer friend that could draft a letter....
  27. Sounds like drive it as is for the summer and then sand it down and start over. Clear can be a bitch and sometimes you just gotta redo it. Even the best shops around have ot redo something occasionally. Could have had something to so with prep, weather conditions, the mixture, defective product, anything, but ultimately if it isn't cured now it never will and you'll sooner or later just have to redo it.
  28. farmergal
    Joined: Nov 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,069

    from somewhere

    the dupont people apparently brought a bunch of fancy equipment with them to analyze the situation. they said the clear went on too thick. If i'm not correct; we could've poured on the clear with a bucket and it should be hard by now. the auto body employeees took their fingers and rubbed it and showed how easily the paint scratches. we have a fewbig shows we want to attend in August so we're going to attempt to buff it in the next week or two. If we'e unsuccessful; theyre getting another phone call. We already have another project started so if it's getting fixed; its going to be on duponts tab :)

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