I've heard of using Model T headlight bars on full fendered Model As twice. What's the deal? Does it lower the headlights? Is it more shapely? How's it better than using the stocker? JimA? You mentioned it once.
Based on my exhaustive 3 minute search,early Ts didn't have a headlite bar.The later ones looked like this:
Unkl Ian is kinda right. The headlite bar he shows was used on late 1926 and the 1927 models. Its purpose is to keep the fenders from drooping. The headlite mounting bolt goes through the bar, the fender and the fender brace. ummm, what was the question again?
Looks similar to the headlight bar that Gennie Shifter has been selling for years. I think he makes his to fit the A and the '32.
[ QUOTE ] Yes, it lowers the head lights- an old trick I'm using on my '28. [/ QUOTE ] it also sets them farthur apart
The pedant here Before you chuck your money at ebay 26 & 27 can have different bars 26 lights are on an angled mount that bolts to the guard with two bolts (the same ones that holds the bar) 27 (& late 26?) lights have a little U shaped bracket on the bottom that bolts to the BAR with one bolt (like later lights) The bar mount bolts are separate.
So, if I want to do this, I'm guessing that I want to use a '27 headlight bar. Is that right? Anyone got one? I'm thinning the piles, but I've still got lots of misc old Ford parts.