I want to rework my rear fenders so that they slope down towards the rear of the car more. Sort of like what was done on the Grapevine. I can see 2 different way of doing it: 1. Pie cut from the side and bend it down, then work the kinks out. 2. Slice it on top of the fender and slice in some releif cuts, then fold teh fender in on itself to get the desired curve. Seems like the second way is more work, but may have a better result. Here are a couple pics to show what I am talking about. Any input is greatly appreciated!
Did that on my '52 Chevy when building the Watson Grapevine tribute car...cut a pie and drop the fender top down,making relief cuts along the trunk opening and top of fender....
Randy dont show him that....he will copy it!!!! the only reason he is doing this is because he saw the Grapevine today HAHAHAHA I will make copies of the pics of that also for you....
Well....guess it wasn't necessary to show the final result if he already saw the car, huh?....anyway, here 'tis
You could always recap the rear of the fender with the matching parts off a 49/50 Chevy. Grapevine was a 50 and the fender slopes down lower on those years than the taller 51/52. If you could find donor fenders, that would be a lot less work than all the pie cuts.