The Paraphernalia Boutique on West Dunlap Ave. It's All Goodz on N.32nd St. Herb N' Legend Smoke Shop W. Mcdowwell Rd. That ought to get you started.
Chucks speed shop they have a large web site and once of the nicest shops in town. Highly skilled guys over there that know what they are doing.
Thats kinda funny...first hot rod shop ive seen that has motorhome service as well "for all your hot rod and motorhome needs" kinda like tattoo, body piercing and window tinting....
We used to have a place called Hirams guns and liquor. You could buy a gun or ammo and a bottle on the same receipt. sadley Its hirams liquor and Joes guns now. But just a little wall away.
We used to have a Bait/Tailor shop near here. I always wanted to go in there and ask to have an inch taken off my worm.
They had one of those here in town called V.I.P Massage Parlor. It got closed for rubbing people the wrong way. Ya know when he said head Shop I tought of the Psychadelic Supermarket near downtown portland. I guess when you mention head shop and folks post real head shops it kind of dates the folks that are posting.
Short Block Charlie in Tempe may be the best guy in the valley ... not sure if he is in town right now. He has a shop here and one in Montana or some such place .... goes back and forth between them. He specializes in HD headwork, and I've got a set of his heads on my bagger. But he was a protege of Joe Mondello and likely has forgotten more than most know. The last number I had for him was 480-921-1446. Barry
Cornholio reminds me a bit of myself in the Yuma,AZ Checker auto parts Performance store the night I discovered two cans of energy drink that just flat didn't work... And installed a complete MSD ignition system in the parking lot... In an hour!
BwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaHaHa!!!!..........Mike, are a real smartass!! But that's why I love you!!! CB