My name is Ed and I am a 43 year old father of a 17 year old that is getting very interested in cars. He is taking auto body and collision repair at a local vocational school. I am currently working on a new garage so I can get back on my project of rebuilding a 1987 Chevy 4 wd pickup that was once a state of Maine wardens truck. I am also a member of the Garage Journal. We reside in a small town of Clifton, Maine.
Welcome from a fellow Mainer. Do a little lurking before you post anything on that old warden's truck lest you become fodder for the popcorn munchers. If your like me, you'll soon be spending unhealthy amounts of time on the HAMB marveling at some serious talent.
Thanks for all the welcomes and the heads up LLWillysfan. I kind of figured i was out of place with that and will not be talking about it. I hope to gain more knowledge and skill before I start on something older.