I'm soo looking foreward to salina,I need some new energy, and always enjoytalking with new people, don't be shy, I will be wearing a purple beatniks shirt,I will be easy to find. The truck is coming along nicely, and so are a few other projects. It's going to be a busy, but good year, time to start cranking these cars out.!!! If all goes well, we will have some new stuff at pomona, austin, and maybe santa maria. see all the kool guys at salina!!!
looking forward to seeing ya Jeff, gonna drive the purple coupe and be there friday. We are leaving at 8:30 friday morning from derby
This truck is over the top in a way that make it just right. Killer. I can't wait to see it. The truck is right on.
More recent shots..... getting truck blocked out to perfection, and put back together, skirts are coming along. I still have alot of welding to do , and it's HOT ! oh well can't be a cry baby , but I damned sure feel tired at night. but this is the life we chose, I could be a telemarketer instead....look at all the fun I'm missing out on.
young lucas has been working on his vw a lil as well. okay, breaks over back to work, see all you in salina !
McPhail & Myers have done it again. This truck when finished could pass the '56 Chevy. I have a spy picture that I will post Monday.... Stay Kool Jeff and we will see ya In Salina. Happy Trails, Mick
Thanks Mick , I am want ing this truck over the top super dialed in, I want it to b the one every one says oh, you mutherf*$# ers to, I have some ideas on paint as well, It will be the wildest mild kustom truck since the superfleck moonbird.!
dont be a hater james..... we are thinking about going with a skirt on one side and with out on the other, I kinda like it with out, haven't seen a truck with openings like that before.
I just woke up from a lil power nap, an now on my way back to work ......an I realized I screwed up an forgot to chop the truck..........maybe that was a nightmare......or maybe that is going to happen.........or maybe I need more sleep. HMMMMMM, he ponders........
Man I hope this truck makes it to Salina. I am really looking forward to checking out that body in person. Great craftsmanship.
Jeff is the James Brown of the Kustom world. Has to be the hardest working Kat out there. I know that he is looking forward to the break. Sorry for the bad scan but this is my spy picture. I forgot my camera so I had to sketch it. The truck sits lower then my drawing. Have a nice cruzie up to Salina.. Happy Trails, Mick
Cool truck! I kinda like it without the skirts. Give it more of an early '60s vibe. Now it's time to panel paint and flake the living crap out of that thing!
I should have some, I'll post them here if I do, I'm working on the Friday night drag pics now and then I'll look through Saturdays haul.