The traditional hot rod scene in Sweden is an amazing one. For years, those fellas have been using creativity to replace accessibility and as a result, they've built a number of cars that have a very specific look to them. It's really quite hard to p... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
Thanx for the Link. If you like the PHRR you'd love the Lead Paking, its only traditional cars in there. Gotta agree thou, the Swedes are good at this, they have gas in their blood, driven by true passion.
Great photos Mr42 and nice seeing you there! Detroit Chrome: Thats the link to the Power Big Meet, not Power Hot Rod Reunion. Same organizer but a different event. PHRR is a laid back event, two days with camping close to the drag strip, and "run what you brung". Its for rods, customs, drag racers and anything modified old Americian made (some old Euro cars tends to sneak in, but they are a rare sight there). Of course, I have a lot of photos, but at that event I worked for organizer, Power Magazine, so I cant show them here... Take a look at youtube for this and earlier years events The show mentioned by Bonez, Lead Parking, is an outdoor show for customs only. Any other car is to be parked at visitors parking. But its the best gathereing of customs in Europe and it has been going on for 21 years now! Its organized by Customs of Sweden,
I leave Norway on Wednesday to head to Lycksele for Motorveckan, with my pinstriping stuff.. Im really looking forward to be in Sweden.
Hello Sveden Folks, Last year I found a 1962 Volvo, P-1800 Jensen, sports car in my wife's aunt's barn in Michigan. Made in Gothham, Sveden. Trailered it home to Tampa Bay, FL where I'm restoring it. Clock shows 41-K origional miles. After the basics, it started up fine. I had the 2 SU carbs re-built, etc. 2012 will be the 50th anniversary of this car as the pace car for the 12 hours of Sebring race in FL. And it's code is white, as the 1962 pace car. When it's done I may ask if I can take it to the track to display as an origional car like the pace car.
Cool, Yesterday afternoon a small group of us HAMBers were sitting around at a show. I brought up Mr.42's thread and others I have read about the hotrod scene over there. All the other guys had seen these as well and the concensus was the same, always cool looking cars that have it right.
I've always respected the dedication our overseas hot rod brothers have - the cost and difficulty with shipping cars and parts, customs holdups, government regulations, etc etc - NOT to mention the price of fuel. Another thing we tend to forget is the roads - I remember seeing a '57 Chevy in Dunoon Scotland when I was stationed there - it took up both lanes of the roadway - haha. And guys here start threads bitching about parking their hot rod due to the price of gas or whining about getting outsmarted by some scammer on Craigslist burning them for a whole $50.
I'm leaving for Sweden on Thursday, going to the Rat Fink Reunion in Avesta that Swedish Mooneyes puts on, then to the A-Bombers O.S.W. in Uddevalla- Love the attention to old rods and customs they have there! And love trying to keep up with the Jokers' beer consumption! See some of you there!
Very nice article...I hope I see in the future an article like this on Brazilian Hot Rod and Kustom Kulture,,,
Always been impressed with the cars in Europe and especially with the cars in Scandinavia....they really seem to get's a link to movement with sound....