So it appears to me that there is not much info out there on doing this type of installation. I have seen some troubles listed but no pictures or real info. So far. I have a set of instruciotns but I do not think they actually came wit hthe kit cinsidering they are the size of a half dollar, and in black and white that looks like it has been copied over and over... I could be wrong. Does anyone have any pictures of this kind of installation? How about instructions? A page I can down load? Anything would be helpful.
I started doing my insert after the car was painted. I thoroughly read the instructions from Bob Drake but hell if I could get it installed properly. I ended up taking it to an upholstery shop where they installed it correctly for $200. Money well spent
what holds the perimeter on this thing? I see no tack strips and understand there is not supposed to be one?
Don't know what kit you have or how they intended it insalled but here's what a stock weathered '36 Ford 4 door insert looks like. Notice the tack strip..............................
I think Juliano's has a kit for this with real nice instructions. Not sure if it's still available. -jim
so does the coupe have a tack strip as well I assume? Could I use an old fan belt for that instead of spending the $400 listed above for one??
anyone else?? still havin issues. I need to figure out how this is supposed to look. I have a bit of info on here, but more would be beneficial. Thankx
The coupe is the same as the picture Bigrat posted. The internal tack strip is for the underlay padding NOT the actual top material. The top vinyl is held down by a rubber moulding that pulls the vinyl into the outer recess and locks into place. Lebaron Bonny do the best kits with detailed instructions.
I just bought a 1936 with the roof already done. I can take pictures of it from the inside and out if that would help.
Old rod and Custom mag gave a good how too. I'll PM my cell number and we can talk easier than I can type.
Oh the knowledge of some of you. Although humorous , i actually thought the fan belt idea was clever and pondering if it'd work? Anyone ?
hey chopt, i have a customers 36 tudor, which is the same insert process, i can help you thru or i can post pictures as i go about installing his insert/ruber strip. Rich
this is going to be a helpful thread for us since we removed the original top in ours. we're debating filling the top and not bothering with it. ours was tacked into some sort of wood as when we cleaned it out; we were digging away at old chunks of wood. odd?
The top is filled on my '35, but we left the groove for the retaining rubber molding strip. We glued a thin pad on, and then the black material over that. Then we installed the rubber around the perimeter. Looks original, but is more solid. Sorry I don't have any step-by-step photos. Good luck with your project.