I think you may not be giving the dry climate there enough credit. I used to live in that general area (May Valley just north of Lamar). We dug up a few cars that were half buried. They were in fairly solid condition. There is a wrecking yard out there that has some drainage problems in one area. There are alot of early '60s chevys in that one spot. They were put there in the early 70's before the drainage problem existed. Now days the ground is too soft to get the cars out with the loader. Suprisingly though the cars are fairly solid even though they have endured 25 years or so of moisture.
No you use rock for any type of bank stabilization. We use what they call a gabion basket now, it is heavy wire mesh wrapped around rockes. they used to use whatever they could find to hold rocks old junk cars were a good choice back when they were not worth much.
i would dig it out! you live in a dry climate type of area and you might be surprised whats left. Im sure the horses appreciate it ....we have 10 out in the barn
Looks like the previous owner was really worried about someone stealing his treasures in the middle of the night. I've thought of burying money in the back yard, but never a car..
The one directly behind looks like a mid 40s sedan to me, not '50s. The Hudson looks like it's in pretty good shape overall. Did you start digging??
So I had to google the term Gabia basket but I accidentally typed in Labia basket. They are not the same thing .
Not an uncommon fate for older cars in my part of the country. My Grampa and Uncles used to burn the cars and then push them into the ravines with their dozer in the 50's. When I was a kid I used to crawl down Thru the mess and try and save little bits of stainless trim or whatever. My big find was a 1930's chrysler instrument cluster that survived the mayhem.Northern Illinois erosion control , Unfortunatly the soil is very acidic and the metal doesnt fare too well when buried. I also remember a 55-56? ford crown vic peeking out of a waterway washout area that still had torquise paint and stainless trim on the exposed side.Oh Well, Indy
blowing up the middle pic on page one, that sure looks like a 30's 5 window coupe body. and looks like suicide hung doors on it. If I were you, I'd get a shovel and get there quick. edit... take that back, looks like a 4 door sedan. still.......
Agreed...... hows the digging going? I've had friends dig out cars burried as deep and not too bad on the metal.
lots of guys do "chop the bottom." its not a true "section job", although people do that and claim they sectioned the car. but it does give the car a lower profile. if youre gonna channel it anyway, lots of people do it just to cut the rust out down low