damn, there's no end to craigslist scores lately. this thing probably weighs as much as a car. gonna have sum fun now. getting it out is the next challenge.
that requires a url of an image hosted somewhere doesn't it? how do you do it out of your document or picture file on your computer?
I think once you post the thumbnail, then you have a URL, then you can post it big the way Leonard said? Oh and wow! That thing is a beast!
I made albums in my profile, and uploaded the pictures to my albums first. Then when you look at the individual pictures in your albums, at the bottom there is a line that said BBCode.. That's valid code to paste into your posts to show a picture. Like so: Now the reason I do it that way, is because if the PhotoBucket (or whatever people use that's trendy) kicks the proverbial bucket, I know that the images are going to stay in my posts. I dislike when I read a tech post especially, and the pictures are all "Bandwidth Exceeded" or "This file no longer exists". It should never happen if the images are hosted here at the forums.
Man, you guys have the best luck with Craigslist. Up here I've found absolutely nothing worthwhile on that site, no tools, old tin, zip. I've good results on Kajiji but nothing like the scores I've seen on the HAMB. Someday maybe....
That thing is a monster! Who is it made by? English? Probably American, English like cast monsters. Jeezo-flip! Sweet. For your first project whip me up a one-piece roof filler for my tudor, ok? Sweet, oj
i right clicked on a posted pic, opened properties, and i see the http thing. so i assume i can use that, but then you would get both the small and large pic, eh? yep, got a complete set of anvils too. it's still on the truck. hopefully tomorrow i can get my tow truck buddy to sling it off and drop it in the shop. no human could budge that thing. a bit overkill, sizewise, but what the hell.
it was made by larry langdon, auburn wa. 1 1/4" plate for the main C shape. no flex for sure. roof filler, good idea. i have a 1931 dodge 3 window coupe that needs that done.
Post that on 'All Metalshaping.com' they'll go nuts over that thing and have you creating blueprints for it, maybe even coming knocking on your door for a looksee.
Nice score. Now look on CL for a crane to lift it! I was looking at one in Princess Auto today. Yours could eat it!